Saturday, June 1, 2024
83 Articles by

Pragya Bakshi Sharma

Journalist with a journey from print to TV to digital news. Multi-tasker. Unstoppable Type 1 Diabetic running on insulin.

Deepavali 2023: Hindu festivals are clarion calls for the community to heal wounds inflicted on them every day in the fight for Dharma

For every fragment that pierced into our civilisation's soul when the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya was destroyed by Babur, the Bhakti movement was reinstating our faith that the ever-existing Shri Ram can never be separated from our souls.

High-profile prostitution racket with primarily Asian women busted in the United States, sex buyers included officials, politicians, military officers and others

US federal prosecutors have arrested three individuals in connection with operating sophisticated high-end brothels in greater Boston and eastern Virginia

Afghan refugees deported from Pakistan: How Taliban, once propped up by Islamabad, has come back to bite it

Hundreds and thousands of Afghans who fled Talibani rule in Afghanistan to neighbouring Pakistan are forced to return as Islamabad begins crackdown against what it calls 'illegal refugees'.

Pakistan wants global “ummah” to fight for Hamas terrorists in the name of religion, but orders the eviction of nearly 2 million Afghan refugees...

Ironically, Pakistan has cited security concerns accusing Afghan refugees of terror attacks, street crimes, and drug trafficking

Inside Hamas’ terror den: From building a web of tunnels to depriving civilians of fuel, here is how the terror group is running a...

Referred to as the "Gaza Metro" by the Israel Defense Forces, the terror tunnels form the biggest part of Hamas infrastructure.

Punjab govt to ban performing stunts on tractors after stuntman was mowed down at sports fair

A video of man being crushed to death while trying to mount a running tractor had gone viral on social media.

Dominic Martin, who took responsibility for Kerala blast, accuses Jehova’s Witness’ of having ‘anti-national beliefs’ which incidentally match radical Islam

Some beliefs held by Jehova's Witnesses, who consider themselves as Christians, bear stark resemblance to radical Islam as do most Abrahamic religions.

Pulwama, Atiq being murdered to eclipse Malik’s Karan Thapar interview and more: 9 dangerous lies that Rahul Gandhi and Satya Pal Malik peddle in...

Rahul Gandhi talks to Satya Pal Malik to peddle lies against Modi government, make bizarre insinuations and illogical statements

Karnataka: Farmers demanding power supply in Vijayapura take crocodile to electricity office as a sign of protest

The farmers placed the crocodile in front of HESCOM officials and demanded uninterrupted three-phase electricity during daylight hours.

How Hamas hides behind civilians to peddle victimhood: Gaza’s biggest hospital Al Shifa also served as HQ for terrorists

According to a report by Tablet dated 2014, one of Hamas' main command bunkers was located beneath the Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

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