Barkha Dutt
Reviving Indian Textbooks: The Barkha files
Barkha Dutt's story was found in textbooks Indian students read
The Indian media ‘Fauxars’ – Awards recognising Faux news
Its time for the Red Maoist Carpet
Open Letter to Barkha Dutt from a Social Media Sanghi communal troll
Barkha Dutt's letter is a consortium of lies and half-truths
Why Indian media is against Arnab but India isn’t
Gaurav -
Top journalists and commentators want 'boycott' of Arnab, but the people appear to be standing with him. Why?
Free Speech: Kamlesh Tiwari vs JNU
How can you support people like Umar Khalid who have links to Jaish?
The Top Media Lies of the year 2015
Gaurav -
The biggest lies you were fed during the year 2015, a round-up
How Indian media covered the Pathankot attack
Indian media sunk to a new low during Pathankot Operations
2015 Rewind: The times when Journalists got trolled by Twitterati
All the best trolling journalists got in 2015
The legitimacy of AppWapsi and Boycott Dilwale protests
Gaurav -
Public discourse in India might have seen a watershed moment thanks to these apparent silly movements
Chandan Mitra’s bigger sin: Slamming Twitterati or falling in Barkha’s trap?
Gaurav -
Dr Mitra's comments on Twitter users are uncalled for, but he was smartly set up for that by Barkha Dutt.