Sunday, June 16, 2024



Raghuram Rajan’s latest rant about how world can’t afford India becoming a manufacturing hub like China: Half-baked stats and political humbug

Raghuram Rajan is one of these experts. Go over his track record, you will find he was very much part of the establishment for years.

China wants to import dogs and donkeys from Pakistan: Reports

The Communist country needs donkeys to prepare an exotic medicine named E’jiao.

Chinese govt repressing Tibetans through colonial-style boarding schools, Zero-Covid Policy, and bulk DNA collection: Tibetan activists

A resolution passed at the Tibetan communities' third General Meeting in Milan voiced concern about the Chinese government's acts of repression against Tibetans

Chinese diplomat mocks the US after the destruction of Nord Stream Pipelines

Cao Yi, the former Chinese ambassador to Iraq and Lebanon, mocked the US administration for allegedly sabotaging the natural gas pipeline and pretending to not know about it.

Amidst rumours of a coup, Chinese President Xi Jinping set to be re-elected head of Communist Party of China

The Congress, where Xi is anticipated to be re-elected for a record-breaking third term, is taking place in the midst of a large purge of top security officers who are said to be part of an ideological circle antagonistic to the Chinese President.

As rumours of a military coup in China turns out to be false, here is how the claims of house arrest of Xi Jinping...

Rumours had appeared claiming that Chinese premier XI Jinping was removed from the control of military and was put under house arrest by PLA

China ruins Dussehra festival in Nepal, goods worth billions stuck due to closure of border points after anti-China protests in Nepal

As China blocked Nepal border trade points following anti-China protests in Nepal, the Dussehra festival will be ruined

IPAC passed common plan of Parliamentary Action against China, to address the violation of human rights and to develop alternate supply chains

IPAC passed action plan to address violations of human rights by Chinese government. Aims to develop alternates of PRC to reduce dependence for supply chains.

Hong Kong court sends five speech therapists to prison for ‘seditious’ children’s books about sheep fighting with wolves

Hong Kong court sent five speech therapists to prison for 19 months for publishing alleged seditious ebooks for children

China’s strict COVID lockdowns stop people from leaving their homes even during a deadly earthquake

The video which went viral over social media showed people struggling to get out of the apartment after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit China.

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