Sunday, June 16, 2024



How ‘journalists’ used terrorist attack on one of their own to score a political point and bully others

Unfortunate that journalists were busy playing bullying individuals instead of mourning the loss of a life.

India to UN: We endorse ban on Jammat-ur-Arhah, but drop Pakistan’s ‘link to Indian agencies’ assertion

The sanction on JuA was done on the request by Pakistan, which claimed the group’s link to Indian Intelligence agencies

Double standards in criticism of religions must end in our media discourse

Discourse on social evils in mainstream media depends on the religion from which it originates

Is Pakistan planning another terrorist attack on Amarnath Yatra?

Intelligence agencies warn of a large scale gathering to terrorists in PoK waiting to infiltrate into India

UP on high alert after letter allegedly by LeT threatens bomb blasts at Hindu religious sites

While the police are still verifying the authenticity of the letter, security has been reportedly intensified in the state

India-China security cooperation may soon be a reality

India has been successful with its diplomatic dealings with the Dragon.

Hawala terror funding case : Delhi high court rejects Hizbul Mujahideen Chief’s son’s bail plea

Hizbul chief’s son has received around 4.5 lakhs so far from eight international wire transfers.

‘Liberal’ parasites explained – With some help from nature

There are many lessons here that we must imbibe in order to avoid becoming like the caterpillar.

18 SIMI terrorists convicted by Kochi NIA court in the training camp case

SIMI had allegedly conducted training in combat, arms, firing and making explosives

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