Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNews ReportsAnnouncement: OpIndia is now a separate legal and business entity

Announcement: OpIndia is now a separate legal and business entity

This is a leap of faith and it is faith that team OpIndia has in abundance. We know you will support us in this endeavour as we embark upon this unchartered territory.

OpIndia started as a part-time effort by three professionals and it has only grown since then. We have worked with relentless focus to show how a certain section of the mainstream media distorts facts and maligns those who dare to question them.

OpIndia too was mocked and maligned – and that process has not stopped, nor it will stop ever, we are sure – we were treated as outcasts, branded ‘trolls’ (we don’t complain), personal lives of people associated with the website were targeted, but we persisted.

While we made these powerful enemies, what kept us going was the fact that we made many friends too. We could create a community that stood by us and continues to support us to this day.

A major step the in evolution of OpIndia was taken when, in October 2016, Swarajya magazine group decided to support us. OpIndia was made part of Swarajya group and a much-needed support system was provided to the brand.

A few months back, we realized that both Swarajya and OpIndia could aim for independent growth where neither of us needs to subsidize the other or need to curtail their own ambitions for sake of the other. We started exploring the possibility of OpIndia being run not just as an independent brand, but as an independent legal and business entity as well.

A new entity was formed, but the challenge of finding the resources to sustain the operations remained. Digital news industry is in a flux, with the very basic business model of journalism itself under strain. When even big brands are finding it challenging to find the right business model, how could OpIndia survive? Such questions did scare us, however, we were too emotionally invested not to try.

In the past few weeks, our resolve to chart out an independent path got only strengthened. We requested our readers to pay for the content, voluntarily, and the result was overwhelming. This helped us and a couple individuals who were willing to back us, gain confidence, that we are ready to start a new chapter.

We still don’t have a profitable business model, not anywhere close, but we have a lot of faith in what we are doing, and we are counting on the goodwill that we have been able to generate till now.

With that, we are formally announcing that OpIndia is now a new and separate entity. We are not part of the Swarajya group anymore. We thank Swarajya group for the hand holding and wish them the very best in whatever they do.

This is a leap of faith and it is faith that team OpIndia has in abundance. We know you will support us in this journey as we embark upon this unchartered territory.

Rahul Roushan,
Mentor, tormentor, CEO, whatever
OpIndia (Aadhyaasi Media & Content Services private limited)

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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Whether NDTV or 'The Wire', they never have to worry about funds. In name of saving democracy, they get money from various sources. We need your support to fight them. Please contribute whatever you can afford

Rahul Roushan
Rahul Roushan
A well known expert on nothing. Opinions totally personal. RTs, sometimes even my own tweets, not endorsement. #Sarcasm. As unbiased as any popular journalist.

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