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HomeWorldMyanmar: Activists paint streets red in protest against Military coup amidst rising death toll

Myanmar: Activists paint streets red in protest against Military coup amidst rising death toll

The young activists spray-painted messages on building, pavements and roads as part of the "bleeding dye strike". This strike allowed the protestors to express their opposition to the military rule, without risking detention or getting hurt by the authorities.

Pro-democracy youth activists in Myanmar are smearing the streets with red paint in Yangon (AKA Rangoon) and all throughout Myanmar in order to protest the Myanmar military’s February 1st coup. The death toll from the daily clashes between the protestors and the military in the wake of the coup has now risen to at least 570.

The young activists spray-painted messages on building, pavements and roads as part of the “bleeding dye strike”. This strike allowed the protestors to express their opposition to the military rule, without risking detention or getting hurt by the authorities.

In the images circulating on the internet, activists were also shown giving a “three finger salute”, a style of salute which has been popularized by the extremely famous Hunger Games trilogy of books and movies. The Hunger Games is a young adult story about struggling against authoritarian control.

Outside of Yangon, pro-democracy demonstrations were held in areas like Dawei, Hpa-an, Kachin, Karen and Mandalay. Clashes and protests have become a daily occurrence in Myanmar in the aftermath of the February 1 coup.

Since the military coup, approximately 2,700 people have been detained by authorities. Around 570 people have died, including almost 50 children.

Myanmar has a long history of military rule, being under military control from its independence in 1962 to 2011. Now, the military has once again established its rule over Myanmar, deposing the civilian government led by Nobel Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi in a coup and then later detaining her, only months after Suu Kyi’s political party handily beat the Military-backed political alliance.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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