The Madhya Pradesh Court on Friday sentenced three sevadars of spiritual leader Bhaiyyuji Maharaj to 6 years in jail. Bhaiyyuji Maharaj had committed suicide three years ago. The court of additional sessions Judge Dharmendra Soni held Sevadar Vinayak Dudhade, caretaker Palak Puranik and driver Sharad Deshmukh guilty of abetment of suicide.
The court in its judgement revealed that the three of Maharaj’s sevadars had tortured him mentally and pressured him to commit suicide. According to the reports, the sevadaars had also threatened Bhaiyyuji Maharaj for money.
In 2018, Bhaiyyu Maharaj had shot himself dead with his personal licensed revolver at his residence in Indore. Maharaj who had followers among film stars and politicians was blackmailed by his trusted sevadars who abused him and forced him to quit life.
The detailed verdict by the court further revealed that caretaker Palak had entered the spiritual guru’s life even when his first wife was alive. The two were in a relationship and Bhaiyyu Maharaj had told his sister that he wanted to get out of it.
In the 56 page ruling, judge Soni mentioned that Puranik was influencing Maharaj and had started taking hold of his decisions. She also was providing Bhayyuji Maharaj with sleeping pills or sedative drugs. Vinayak and driver Sharad had helped Palak in the entire plot.
According to the Police, Palak had also forced Bhayyuji Maharaj to marry her when he was already married to Ayushi Sharma after the death of his first wife, Madhavi. She forcefully shared a shelf, closet and even her room with Maharaj.
The forged suicide note found during the Police investigation read that Bhaiyyuji Maharaj was committing suicide due to stress and that his financial rights and assets be accorded to the three accused.
The Police had then nabbed Vinayak Dudhade, caretaker Palak Puranik and driver Sharad Deshmukh exactly seven months after his murder. The charges imposed by Court on three are under sections 120-B (criminal conspiracy), 306 (abutment to suicide) and 384 (extortion) of IPC.