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Untruths about Mahatma Gandhi floating on social media


Social Media has recently turned into something of a watchdog for Mainstream Media. But there are times when Social Media falls prey to hoaxes. One common genre of hoaxes is fake photos/quotes of Mahatma Gandhi. Today on his birth anniversary, we attempt to debunk some of these myths. You may have seen some earlier, and also may have known that these are fake, but chances are, you might see them again today:

Fake pics:

1. Mahatma Gandhi Dancing 

Obviously this is not Gandhi dancing with some foreigner woman,  but it actually is an Australian actor who was dressed up as Gandhi. UntitledTwo give-aways in this pic are:

A. The man’s rather muscular arm

B. The man’s footwear is quite unlike Gandhi’s

(Source of images: 1, 2)

2. Nathuram Godse assassinating Mahatma Gandhi

The chances of someone capturing this exact moment are almost zero but still a pictures which claims to be of that event is found floating around. In fact it is from the movie titled “Nine Hours to Rama” in which German actor Horst Buccholz played the role of Godse.


3. Mahatma Gandhi rubbing nose with a foreigner woman

Photoshopped picture. The real photo is of Gandhi talking to Nehru. 3


Fake quotes:

1. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”

Catchy, makes sense, but not said by Mahatma Gandhi apparently, although it is always attributed to him. There is no recorded instance of Gandhi saying this, but a close variant first appears in a 1918 US trade union address by Nicholas Klein

2. Interviewer: “What do you think of Western Civilization?” Gandhi: “I think it would be a good idea.”

Again there is almost no evidence of Gandhi saying this. The earliest appearance of this quote was  good 20 years after his death, and that too only in the form of 2nd hand information. It was mentioned in The Seattle Times newspaper that the exchange was mentioned in a television documentary on a major U.S. network. And after that it has been recirculated multiple times but there is no real conclusive evidence of Gandhi having said it.

In conclusion, do always keep this Abraham Lincoln quote in mind:

Fact-Check: The Hindu resorts to creative interpretations of GDP data just to prove Modi is wrong

The PM of India, Narendra Modi was on a diplomatic trip again and the media of India was on to its hack routine again. There was threadbare discussion on everything of little consequence in our media. When the PM was addressing the UN, building world opinion on poverty, terrorism etc, our media was criticising him for not meeting PM of Pakistan. When the PM was visiting technical and corporate giants, our media was counting the number of dresses he changed.

In the same vein, when our PM expressed his vision of making India a $20 Trillion economy, our media got busy trying to falsify him. The seeming intent of the opposition (Congress) and in toe, our media, was to write off PM Modi’s entire trip as a failure because he allegedly wrongly cited the size of Indian economy as “8 Trillion” in his townhall meet with Mark Zuckerberg. The charge from the media was led by The Hindu, commandeered by one Puja Mehra. Mehra was earlier involved in another incident where she misquoted Arun Jaitley, for which The Hindu had to later apologise.

Much of the article in The Hindu was based on Congress’ allegations. The Congress alleged that India’s GDP was close to 2.50 trillion and that it was $2.27 trillion when the UPA was evicted from power by the electorate. The Congress may not be wrong in this contention, save a little detail which exposes their gross ignorance or deliberate sophistry. India may indeed be a $2.5 trillion economy at “Nominal GDP” levels. aaa

However for international comparisons we convert the Nominal GDP to “GDP at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)”. PPP expresses different currencies in a common denomination (International $) so that they can be compared. It has been a practise to express size of economies on PPP levels. Eg: This news from Oct  2014 reports China’s GDP crossing USA’s. While at Nominal levels, China’s GDP at $10.3 trillion is lesser than USA’s, at PPP levels it is $17.6 trillion and more than USA’s at 17.4 trillion

And where did Modi get this $ 8 trillion figure from? Not from any homegrown “Sanghi” economist but from the International Monetary Funds “World Economic Outlookreport. The report clearly state the figure $ 7,996.623 Billion which converts to $ 8 Trillion.

So Modi was right to mention the size of India’s GDP in PPP terms and Congress is either ignorant or malicious in raking this up as an issue. The bigger tragedy is that The Hindu did not bring this out in its article. Rather, it seemed to justify the erroneous allegations made by the Congress. If there were any doubts on The Hindu’s stand, they were cleared on Puja Mehra’s Twitter timeline.

When twitter users , brought out the PPP aspect and challenged Puja on her report, she came up with many retorts. The sense of them all was that “Modi is wrong about India’s 8 trillion GDP, and the outrage by Congress is justified”. It was rather bewildering because neither Puja, nor anyone from The Hindu objected to this claim when earlier this year in June itself, the President of India cited this number.


Of course no journalist turned “fact-checker” when the President tweeted this, because in India, only what Modi says should be subjected to all sorts of tests.

To refute PM’s number of $8 trillion, and the contention of tweeps that GDP at 2014 end was $7.4 trillion &
might well reach 8 trillion by year end, Puja repeatedly threw a World bank link that said India’s “nominal GDP” (also called Current dollar GDP)  was $2.067 trillion.


This was supposed to falsify the contention that India’s GDP PPP was $7.4 trillion in 2014. She also invented the argument of “data vs projection” whereby her figure of $2.067 trillion was “Data” and the $7.4 trillion figure was “projection”, hence false. Hence Modi is wrong. Hence anyone citing the $7.4 trillion figure is running a malicious campaign!


I drew a report from the World Bank site on whose data Puja was vouching. But it appears World Bank was also running a motivated campaign too!


The data clearly shows:

  • GDP at Current US$ (or Nominal) is $2.067 trillion which Puja called “data”, hence correct.
  • GDP at PPP for 2014 is $7.4 trillion
  • Both are from the same “credible” source
  • Either both are correct, or both are wrong or maybe this is a World Bank conspiracy against Puja!

This issue gives us more insights. It is also an example of how journalists brazen out their own inadequacies, don’t show grace to accept mistakes but rather invents concepts, facts and frame convenient rules to reject all accountability for their mistakes.

In one of her diversions, she also invents a distinction between “projection” & “data” when Prof Vaidya reasons that there are no such distinctions.


For another diversion, Puja invents a role and meaning of ICP (International Comparison Program) for her convenience.


While the facts in the above tweet are correct, putting them in context of her arguments, one would come to the conclusions that:

  • PPP data comes only from ICP, or PPP data is not given recognition, if not from ICP
  • GDP PPP is not calculated during years intervening between two ICP surveys
  • Or GDP PPP calculated during intervening years is WRONG

All Incorrect!

ICP is an international program to “improve and standardize methods of calculation of PPP”. In no way does it mean that PPP not calculated through the ICP is wrong. Also, even if we take her view at face value that 2011 “data” is the “latest data”, in 2015, if someone has to state Indias’s GDP on PPP basis, does he use 2011 values and say that 4 year old values are applicable even for 2015? This is rank stupidity. Even if the 2015 estimates are not “data” as per Puja Mehra, they are far more closer to the reality as of today than data from 2011!

The onus now lies with The Hindu to repair the damage done. The right thing to do would be to bring down the article and offer an apology to the PM for concocting facts to his detriment. The Hindu would also do well to apologize to readers for misrepresenting facts and misguiding where it was expected to inform and educate. Any news media worth its salt would do it in keeping with journalistic ethics.

Demolishing the Aurangzeb Apologist Cabal


Recently, a number of “scholars” have been decrying the vilification of Aurangzeb. Audrey Truschke, a post-doc at Stanford, for example, gave an interview to The Hindu recently wherein she claimed that Aurangzeb wasn’t as bad as he is made out to be.

It is only the first time when selling your principles is hard. After that, the mind needs no convincing. After all, the world isn’t exactly full of people of integrity and character. Therefore, making a mockery of historical evidence and also the suffering of people not so long ago, hardly seems like a compromise.

Hear this story to get a glimpse of Aurangzeb’s cruelty to begin with.

When Aurangzeb captured Sambhaji, the son of Shivaji, along with Kavi Kalash, they were offered to embrace Islam. In return, the story says, they hurled abuse to the Emperor. Aurangzeb ordered cutting the tongues of both Sambhaji and Kavi. Following this, for days they were tortured by cutting their eyes, their limbs and eventually were put to death.” (Sources: Mughal Rule in India, Edwardes and Garret, p149, Ibid, Advanced study in the history of modern India, J L Mehta, p50, History of India, D. Sinclair, p97, Muntakhab-ul-Lubab, E & D, Vol 7,p.341)

Was this a political murder? Most definitely. But was there not a religious angle to it? One is hard pressed to say a no. But even more importantly, how do you asses a person’s character? Would Osama bin Laden not have a single virtue? It is the sum total of a man’s deeds that he is judged by after all. Even in case of Aurangzeb one can most certainly come up with stories that show him in great light. For example, Aurangzeb lived a simple pious and austere life. Before his death he had issued instructions that there shouldn’t be any extravagant celebration at his funeral and the expenses of his burial should be taken from his savings from his own earnings. Imagine a king of his stature saying this in 1707!! Aurangzeb had also given instructions that the sum of three hundred rupees that he had saved by making copies of the Koran, be distributed amongst the poor.  For this story, of course, I am not going to require references but but those interested can consult Mughal Rule in India, Edwardes and Garrett, p154 for example.

Yet, Aurangzeb, is perhaps the ruler that destroyed the Idea of India. From killing his brother Dara and serving his head to his imprisoned father, enumerating Aurangzeb’s crime would keep a researcher busy for decades. However, one person, Mr.Richard Eaton, perhaps the king of the “Aurangzeb apologist cabal”, as I call it, despite spending years researching Aurangzeb, seems to be either unable or unwilling to see the forest for the trees.If he’s unable then there’s a serious problem of analytical abilities. The chances are, however, that it’s the latter.

Let’s get into some details of Mr.Eaton’s “scholarship”. At a broad level, there are three major issues that emerge about Mr.Eaton’s commentary on this issue.

1. In making a case for Aurangzeb, Mr.Eaton’s argument has to be taken with a leap of faith as the logic behind the sequence of most events does not match with the interpretation. Since history is mostly about interpretation, this is crucial.

2. His translation of Aurangzeb’s crucial orders that establish his bigotry differ from other scholars. In diluting Aurangzeb’s bigotry his translation plays a key role and hence needs re-examination.

3. Omission of incidents that do not suit the grand narrative.

 Translation playing a crucial role –

Eaton says, in his Frontline essay, the following –

Considerable misunderstanding has arisen from a passage in the Ma’athir-i `Alamgiri concerning an order on the status of Hindu temples that Aurangzeb issued in April 1669, just months before his destruction of the Banaras and Mathura temples. The passage has been construed to mean that the emperor ordered the destruction not only of the Vishvanath temple at Banaras and the Keshava Deva temple at Mathura, but of all temples in the empire.13 The passage reads as follows:

Orders respecting Islamic affairs were issued to the governors of all the provinces that the schools and places of worship of the irreligious be subject to demolition and that with the utmost urgency the manner of teaching and the public practices of the sects of these misbelievers be suppressed.14

 The order did not state that schools or places of worship be demolished, but rather that they be subject to demolition, implying that local authorities were required to make investigations before taking action.

 Devious isn’t it? “Subject to demolition” isn’t ordering demolition? Really? In fact, if there really was supposed to be an investigation about malpractices why only the irreligious? And in terms of how research is done, the burden of proof of there having been such investigations prior to demolitions is on Eaton! When he is the one making assertions that fall flat in the face of what the order seems to say and what happened thereafter, it’s his responsibility to demonstrate that there’s a reason to suspect that he has a point. So far, all the “evidence” that Eaton provides is in terms of the chronology of events and no explicit investigation records from Aurangzeb’s court.

It is even more important that Eaton provides ample evidence on this one because the famous chronicles on India’s history, Elliot and Dowson, in their volume 7 on page 184 note the following – pic - 1

The Director of Faithconsequently issued orders to all governors of provinces to destroy with a willing hand the schools and temples of the infidels; and they were strictly enjoined to put an entire stop to the teaching and practicing of idolatrous forms of worship.

Note that there isn’t a mention of “subject to demolition” here. While I don’t believe that there’s any qualitative difference between subject to demolition and destroy in this context, Eaton relies heavily in defending Aurangzeb’s motives using this phrase and hence he must provide a justification for both, the translation that mysteriously differs from others and also the “investigations about temples” that he mentioned thereafter.

A grand narrative being setup with a leap of logic.

Even granting Eaton all the slack on his lack of rigour, one is hard pressed to not find a religious motive in an order that says that practices and teaching of infidels be stopped. Note here too Eaton is changing the word infidelsfor sects which again comes out of nowhere. If there was indeed a purely political motive, or if the temples were indeed understood to be blessing a dynastic realm they were located in, what can justify Aurangzeb ordering an end to all the practices of the infidels? Even worse, sample this – pic - 2

..richly jeweled idols taken from pagan temples were transferred to Agra, and there placed beneath the steps leading to the Nawab Begam Sahibs mosque, in order that they might ever be pressed under foot by the true believers(Elliot and Dowson, vol vii, p 185)

I just wonder for a moment if Eaton would see a non-religious motive if someone were to destroy a Mecca today and placed its pieces under the Churches of Vatican. Yet, for Eaton this act by Aurangzeb doesn’t merit attention.

In fact, Aurangzeb’s bigotry can be seen very early in his career. Sample this excerpt for example. (Mughal Empire in India: A Systematic Study Including Source Material, Volume 2, p 469)

pic - 3

Stories of two temple destructions that bear no evidence of a political angle that Eaton claims.

 Eaton has, in fact, nearly built his career on giving a political interpretation to temple destructions. That is, often destructions would be of temples under the control of Rajputs who were formerly loyal to the empire and then turned rebellious. Since it is impossible to get into the details of every temple destruction to establish that it was largely religious and not political, I will just give two examples. Let’s first start with the Vishwanath temple.

 To quote Mr.Eaton,

It was also believed that Shivaji’s escape had been initially facilitated by Jai Singh, the great grandson of Raja Man Singh, who almost certainly built Banaras’ great Vishvanath temple. It was against this background that the emperor ordered the destruction of that temple in September, 1669 (no. 69).

This is rather embarrassing! To see why, first understand that it wasn’t Jai Singh who was believed to have facilitated Shivaji’s escape. It was Jai Singh’s son Ram Singh. In fact, Jai Singh, upon hearing about the allegations about Ram Singh, said “May God give death to the man who cherishes the very thought of such an act of faithlessness”. (Shivaji – J.Sarkar, p 168-169). Considering this stark contrast between the father and the son, Eaton’s confusion between the two is alarming for his lack of rigor. Of course, for not-so-careful a reader this is entirely possible but Eaton doesn’t profess to be one.

But while Eaton can be forgiven for this minor mix-up, what he cannot evade is some effort to think logically before cobbling up random incidents to construct a story. To see why, this is how the timeline of Eaton’s version reads-

1. Shivaji escapes Agra on 17 August, 1666.

2. Aurangzeb learns about this and suspects Ram Singh’s complicity, for he had pledged their honor for Shivaji’s safety. Ram Singh is demoted in ranks immediately.

3. Ram Singh fell out of Aurangzeb’s favor around this time. Jai Singh dies in 1667. Ram Singh becomes the new king. He is then sent to Assam on December 27, 1667.

4. Aurangzeb orders provincial Muslim governors to demolish temples on April 9th, 1669, shortly after Jai Singh’s death.

5. The order is carried out and temple of Keshava Rai temple was “secularized” into a mosque. Temple of Vishwanath was also “secularized” into Gyanvapi mosque, in late 1669.

So, roughly three years after Shivaji escaped Agra, Ram Singh was made to pay for his lapse through temple destruction? If it sounds believable, then there’s a minor issue. Ram Singh’s coronation ceremony that took place in 1667, a year after Shivaji’s escape and two years before the demolition of VIshwanath temple, was attended by Aurangzeb in which Aurangzeb put tika on his forehead, the last instance when this was done.

So essentially, Aurangzeb first gives a minor punishment to Ram Singh. Then later reinstates him and honours him. And then, after two years, for his past misdeeds, razes temples in Ram Singh’s area. Bear in mind, he does not kill Ram Singh, his family or anyone. He does not demolish Ram Singh’s palace. He does not attack Ram Singh’s city. He goes to a different city that is broadly under Ram Singh’s area and, there too, destroys a temple! Even granting that analytical reasoning isn’t Eaton’s suit, if someone can make sense of this I am willing to pay for it.

And bear in mind that the rampage after his 1669 decree was most certainly not limited to temples in Ram Singh’s areas. So, to link a possible feud of every Rajput with Aurangzeb to rationalize a bulk of demolitions that took place following the decree is a figment of imagination. Or maybe, like Krishna, Aurangzeb was counting the number of sins of all the Rajputs and in 1669 all of them suddenly hit the upper bound.

The second story is about the destruction of the temple of Mathura. Eaton connects the incidents relating Rajput rebels prior to the destruction of the temple, and argues, therefore had a political undertone. The problem, however, is that Saqi Must`ad Khan, an annal of the events which occurred during Aurangzeb’s reign, does not record the political angle while talking about the destruction. See the image of the translation of it by Elliot and Dowson, vol vii, p 184.

pic - 4 A quick word on where Aurangzeb stood on religious tolerance compared to his contemporaries.

Moving on, let’s suppose, for a moment that the destructions indeed had political motives. How can we test this? A reasonable point would be to expect at least one of the following two to happen during the same era. (For history majors, at least one means both of them can happen too).

1. Aurangzeb destroying mosques under control of other Muslim kings that he fought against.

2. Other kings destroying their opponents’ places of worship.

For the latter, the most notable contemporary of Aurangzeb, much to the chagrin of JNU types, would be Shivaji. This is what Edwardes and Garrett note –pic - 5

As to the private character and personal virtues of Shivaji the contemporary Muhammadan historian, Khafi Khan, though naturally inclined to paint him in unfavourable colours, makes the following comments: But he [Shivaji] made it a rule that wherever his followers went plundering, they should do no harm to the mosques, the Book of God, or the women of any one. Whenever a copy of the sacred Koran came into his hands, he treated it with respect , and gave it to some of his Musulman followers’ “ (Elliot and Dowson, vol vii, p 260.)

This should pretty much sum up point #2, as to where Aurangzeb stood in religious tolerance in comparison with his contemporaries.

As for point 1, I would be surprised if there are people who think it worth their time to investigate this. Feel free to correct me on the number of Sunni mosques that Aurangzeb ordered destroyed.

While one could go at length talking about Aurangzeb’s bigotry, what’s terribly upsetting is that an article like this one has to be written. Eaton and his pupils seem to be under the impression that when people criticize Aurangzeb they are attacking Islam, and hence resort to his defense. If they showed a slightly more nuanced understanding of history, they will not have to defend the indefensible. Given what they have demonstrated so far however, logic, nuance and reasoning aren’t their strongest suites.

So for now, I suggest Mr.Eaton concentrate on writing chronicles about the political motives behind ISIS’ destructions of temples and churches in Syria. He should focus on getting the religion out of ISIS’ motives. As in a couple of hundred years, another Eaton will need to build his career out of a thesis on the Tolerant practices of the Islamic State in Syria. Truth, after all, should not come in the way of a “scholarly work”.

( The Author is a researcher in a related field and chooses to maintain anonymity.)

Attacking Modi’s mother shows the intellectual bankruptcy of Congress


Prime Minister Modi is out of the country again. This time, he is on his second visit to the United States of America, with multiple goals in sight.

Modi became the first Indian PM in 30 years to to visit the US West Coast. He went there to connect with the Indian Diaspora and Tech giants like Google and Facebook to expand and propound his vision of Digital India.

He visited Tesla Motors to see if the innovations there could be used in rural India. He talked to Apple to convince them to manufacture in India. He had meetings with several Fortune 500 CEOs to again push for Make in India.

He had a townhall discussion with Mark Zuckerburg where he answered questions on Make In India’s efficacy, pace of reforms in India, his actions towards empowering women. He went to the Google campus where there was an announcement of high-speed wireless internet at 500 railway stations in India. He spoke at the UN where he asked for tough measures on terrorism.

All in all, there are many talking points about Modi’s visit to the USA. But discussion on most of these topics needs a basic understanding of the subject. And that needs some homework. What does not need any homework is picking up the weakest, most irrelevant topic, which happens to be a very personal issue, and mindlessly attacking it.

And thats what Congress did. Towards the end of the townhall, to a pointed question from Zuckerberg about Modi’s mother, the Modi’s voice cracked when he recalled his mother’s hardships when she washed utensils at neighbours’ homes to support her family.

And for some reason, the Congress, who are sworn sycophants of only one “mother”, decided to raise this extremely personal issue making some very crass comments.

Anand Sharma was the man chosen by Congress to execute this dirty job and he claimed that Modi lied about his mother’s hardships. Fact? Check this video from 2014, before the Lok Sabha elections, where Modi’s mother admits she had to do menial labour to raise her children. She says she stayed hungry to ensure her children never suffered.

And here we have the Congress mocking a mother’s sacrifice. Not only does it disrespect Modi’s mother and her sacrfice it also trivialises countless such mothers and their sacrifices for their children. And more importantly, is this the most important, burning issue which needs to be debated.

Anand Sharma was not done though. He went one step further and said:

”PM Modi did not even invite his mother to swearing-in ceremony. So instead of crying abroad he should be a responsible son”

Such is the intellectual bankruptcy that not only does he take a very cheap swipe, he has his facts utterly wrong. Back when Modi was about to be sworn in as PM, media had reported that his mother would not be able to make it because of her poor health. Mind you she is in her 90s and this uncouth Congress lackie found it apt to raise this issue at a press conference just to attack Modi.


Then there were some commentators who lamented that if Modi loves his mother so much why doesn’t he bring her to Delhi, let her live in a palatial home etc. First of all, these are the exact low-lifes who would question such a move as “Modi brings relatives to enjoy on tax-payers money”. Secondly, any son would know the obvious risks in relocating a 95 year old mother. But maybe Modi should have considered such views before he thought about his mother’s well being?

Dear Congress, media and other assorted left liberals, there are plenty of good reasons to attack Modi’s thoughts, views and actions. Basic decency demands that we keep out his aged mother who has nothing to do with politics. But then this would be like pouring water over over-turned buckets, considering your stellar behaviour when attacking Modi for walking away from a forced child marriage, even when his “wife” has no complains about him.

American tycoons leading finance, technology and media give a ‘Rock Star’ treatment to Modi


Prime Minister Narendra Modi is in the US for his second visit after taking the charge in 2014. Unlike his previous visit which was primarily focused around building diplomatic relationships, this visit is predominantly business centric. The long anticipated visit to the West Coast, Silicon Valley, created huge buzz – days before his arrival in the Silicon Valley.

Before heading to the Silicon Valley, Modi met and addressed Fortune 500 CEOs, media firms and key financial sector players, in New York.

The CEOs expressed confidence in the investment climate of the Indian market, the Indian leadership, and appreciated the positive tone of discussions. Most of the business honchos communicated their concerns for doing business in India, and they acknowledged the fact that Modi listened to the constuctive criticism on speed of approvals, speed of decision making, transparency in the process, etc. The candid meeting ended on an optimistic note with a hope that the Indian leadership is heading in the correct direction.

As stated by James Dimon, CEO, JP Morgan Chase

Indian Govt has already undertaken massive reforms and key message was to continue doing what you are doing

The Prime Minister, as mentioned in the tweets of Vikas Swarup, assured them that reform in governance is the topmost priority for him. He also asserted India’s endeavour for simplified procedures, speedy decision making, transparency & accountability.

Modi will soon be heading to the Silicon Valley. In the Silicon Valley, Modi is scheduled to participate in the first India-US Startup Konnect – organised by Indian IT industry body Nasscom, TiE Silicon Valley, and IIM Ahmedabad’s CIIE India. Apart from interacting with start-ups from various sectors such as financial inclusion, agriculture, energy, biotechnology, and healthcare, Modi will be making exclusive visits to Tesla, Stanford, Google and Facebook. During his stay in the valley, he will be meeting Apple CEO Tim Cook, Elon Musk,  Satya Nadella of Microsoft, Sunder Pichai of Google, John Chamber of Cisco, Paul Jacobs executive chairman of Qualcomm and Santanu Narayan of Adobe, and many other tech-giants.

The message of “Digital India” is loud and clear. Investors are expressing their confidence in the Indian market. It is high time that India starts taking strong steps to eradicate red tape, flaws in the laws and inefficiency in decision making.

Meat Bans in Maharashtra & rest of India, a fact check


Ever since Devendra Fadnavis led BJP took over the reigns of the Maharashtra Government last year in October, we have been seeing news reports on so-called bans imposed by them i.e. AIB ban, Madrassa ban etc and other hit-jobs like VIP culture of Fadnavis, Fadnavis skipping meeting in USA for sightseeing etc

So in continuation of this trend, we were told by media that Mira-Bhayander Municipal Corporation (MBMC) had imposed a Meat-Ban for 8 days during the Jain festival of Paryushan. (FYI Mira Bhayander boasts of a Jain population of 2.5 lakhs out of a total population of 8.5 lakhs). This was followed by a similar ban in neighbouring Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) (Shiv Sena ruled) which looks after the whole of Mumbai and in Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NCP-Congress ruled) where BJP has only 6 out of 111 seats.

As usual Media along with the “Adarsh Liberal” gang went into overdrive to portray that the newly elected Fascist BJP is imposing Vegetarianism on everyone and various debates on Prime-time followed discussing how “Idea of India” is in danger. There were a series of tweets by Bollywood celebs like Sonam Kapoor, Sonakshi Sinha, Gul Panag, Arshad Warsi etc on how their CM is trying to be their dietician and they have to bear him for another 4 years. They completely ignored the fact that BMC is ruled by Shiv Sena and that the order was passed by BMC Commissioner Ajoy Mehta and not BJP. Of course there was no discussion on #Meatban imposed by NCP in Navi Mumbai.

So were these Meat-Bans a new phenomena emerging from rise of Fascist forces in India? Think again. Fact is Meat-Ban during Paryushan is a trend followed since 1964 when BMC first imposed it for 2 days, asking abattoirs to shut shop (Sale in hotels was permitted). This was followed by a resolution in 1994 by Congress which re-iterated that the ban will continue for 2 days. In 2004 the then Congress-NCP Government passed a new resolution that the Meat-ban will continue for existing 2 days and additionally “appealed” for a Meat ban on 9 more days!

Even in 2014, in Mira-Road, NCP Mayor Catleen Pereira proposed a Meat-ban during paryushan but no one batted an eyelid.  In 2008, even the Apex court of India upheld  the judgement that Meat-ban imposed by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation is valid.

So although the people behind the meat-bans were not always related to the BJP and never related to the current BJP Government in Maharashtra, a deliberate attempt was made to tarnish the present regime. 1It was a timely slap delivered by Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis to Rajdeep Sardesai where he clearly specified that “Not a single new order went from the government to any local body”.

It is also important to note that, as explained by the BMC commissioner, during the so called Meat-ban, only abattoirs which slaughter mutton & beef were shut down on and sale of fish, other sea food and chicken was not banned. So this “Meat-Ban” was in fact only a “beef & mutton” ban, unlike what was showcased in media.

In another round of propaganda, Media showed that other BJP ruled states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh had now joined the Meat Ban bandwagon. In Gujarat meat ban was first enforced in 1960 by CM Jivraj Mehta (Congress) as per Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporation Act (1949). In Rajasthan under Gehlot’s rule, ban lasted for 5 days which was reduced now by Vasundhara Raje to 3 days. In Madhya Pradesh meat bans exist on 17 days during the whole year, and have been carried out by successive Governments, both BJP and Congress alike.

There are various instances in the past when even regional parties enforced  Meat-Ban during Paryushan like Mayawati who in 2009, used an SC Order to enforce meat-ban in Uttar Pradesh for 9 days. MNS who is currently opposing Meat-ban also requested such a ban in 2013 during Ekadashi in Pune.

In sum total, this sudden cacophony over Meat ban is definitely politically motivated and has nothing to do with love for “freedom of choice”, as professed by Indian media or other “eminent citizens”. If they were so bothered about Government enforcing itself on the rights of people, such groups should have been screaming for so many years, not just when the persons in power are not to their liking. To put it in strictly non-vegetarian terms:  ‘char aane ki murgi, baara aane ka masala’.

#OnionScam in Delhi or a media hit job on AAP?


India Today group broke a story today which promised to be the first instance of “corruption” under Delhi’s AAP led Government. In short, it claimed that the AAP Government has procured onions at a much cheaper price of Rs 18 a kg and sold these to Delhiites at Rs 30 a kg,“.  This was based on some RTI replies accessed by India Today. We could not however find copies of these RTI replies anywhere in their reports. Also, a story  on  this topic on Aaj Tak, now seems to have gone missing or moved to a different place.

On the face of it, this seems to be a scam worth outrage, but as one delves deeper, like the layers of an onion, the layers of this “scam” come off to reveal something else.

First what India Today claims, it inferred from RTI replies:

the government had purchased 2,511 metric tonnes (25,11,000 kgs) of onions through SFAC at an average price of Rs 18.57 per kg, which also includes cess and other local expenses. “…”The government had also declared that Rs 32.86 per kg as the procurement cost and Rs 7 per kg as the amount of additional surcharge, transportation cost and other local expenses. The Delhi Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal then decided to subsidise the price by Rs 10 per kg and sold onions at Rs 30 per kg”

Now let us look at a document which has surfaced from other sources, which is a letter from Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) which is a central agency, to the State Government of Delhi. This letter shows a different picture. It shows that Delhi Government did buy 2511 MT of onions from SFAC. But the price shown by India Today is wrong. Rs 18.57/kg i.e. around Rs 18062.4 per MT (as per the document) is the cost to SFAC and not to Delhi Government. In fact, SFAC has bought the onions at that rate, added storage, handling, transportation and packaging charges and then sold the 2511 MT at Rs 32868.71 per MT to Delhi Government, which is round Rs 32.86 per Kg. This seems to be the final cost to Delhi Government, after accounting for wastage.

This is consistent with the explanation given by Delhi’s Food and Supplies Minister Asim Ahmed Khan, which was also carried in the original India Today story. This is further buttressed by a Press release from the central Government which says “SFAC has also procured 2511 MT of Onions for the Delhi Govt” and is “supplying Onions at Rs.30.50 per kg. to SAFAL. Although the figures do not match exactly, it is pretty clear that SFAC’s selling price is around Rs 30 -Rs 32 per Kg. So India Today’s claims that Delhi Government bought onions at Rs 18 odd per Kg do not seem to hold ground.

Since most of the details which India Today claims in their report are also present in this SFAC letter, it is possible that this letter is the document obtained under RTI and India Today has just messed up in interpreting it.

India Today’s info-graphic on the #OnionScam

Next India Today claims that

RTI documents also revealed that the government failed to supply adequate quantity of onions despite having a buffer stock of 5,000 metric tonnes.” … “According to RTI replies, the Kejriwal government began the sale of onions on August 10. However, it could only sell 575.32 metric tonnes of onions till September 2. This means that more than 4,400 metric tonnes of onions remained stashed in go-downs while Delhiites were reeling under surging prices of the vegetable.”

Of course we do not have access to these RTI documents which India Today has, but whatever documents are available show a different picture. The SFAC letter clearly shows that Delhi Govt had first asked SFAC to buy 5000 MTs of onions to “create a buffer stock for lean season. SFAC in response bought 2511 MT. Later, Delhi Govt orally instructed SFAC to stop further procurement of balance 2489 MT. Hence SFAC sold this 2511 MT to Delhi Government. This again is corroborated by Press release of central government which says “SFAC has also procured 2511 MT of Onions for the Delhi Govt” So it is unclear how India Today arrived at the conclusion that Delhi Government had “a buffer stock of 5000 MT” and “4400 MT remained stashed in godowns“. The PIB press release does mention that NAFED has procured 5857 MT of onions, but are these only for Delhi? India Today needs to answer this.

In summary:

1. India Today claimed AAP Govt bought onions at Rs 18/kg. Fact is Rs 18/kg is SFAC’s cost and Delhi Govt’s cost is Rs 32.86/kg. Also, as per PIB press release, SFAC is selling onions at Rs 30.5/kg to SAFAL, so Rs 18/kg figure is completely wrong

2. India Today said AAP was sitting on 4400 MT of onions. With whatever documents are available, this seems unlikely. India Today should reveal the RTI documents which support this claim.

Thousands of kids rescued from slavery after home ministry launches nationwide campaign


Police forces, which generally get into a limelight for wrong reasons, have a very strong reason to get an ovation this time. A report published by The Economic Times claims that ‘Operation Smile’, inspired from an initiative by the Ghaziabad Police to rescue missing children, has been instrumental in rescuing around 19,000 children from slavery and child abuse.

At the fag-end of the previous year, a report  by Ghaziabad police shared with the Home Ministry asserted that the police unit of Ghaziabad had recovered 227 missing children within 30 days. The Home Minister was quick to order other states to embrace ‘Operation Smile’. The campaign was not only received with sincerity but many it also inspired many senior police officers and journalists to promote it as its brand ambassadors.

As per initial reports, the umbrella campaign helped 2500 missing children to rescue from slavery and abuse, in the month of January alone. As reported by The Economic Times, by now, the maximum numbers of kids are liberated from Haryana, Maharashtra, Odisha and West Bengal.

Reports shared by police units may talk about the depressing realities, but the results shared after rescue operations are good enough to kindle back hope and optimism.
In June, the Madhya Pradesh police successfully rescued 2955 missing kids.
In August, 164 children were rescued from slavery in Bengaluru. “Operation Smile’ busted a racket which resulted in the emancipation of 237 persons – including 164 children. The joint operation was carried out by policemen, officials from the Women and Child Welfare Department, Child Welfare Committee (CWC), representatives from various NGOs and Special Juvenile Police Units (SJPU).

In July, the Uttarakhand police traced 44 missing children from various parts of the state. A report published in newspapers further claimed that of these traced children, 31 were taken back to their families while the remaining 13 have been admitted to children’s home for rehabilitation.

Similar results have been obtained in the other parts of the country.

Many of these children leave home because of ill-treatment of their parents, but instead of finding a better life, they land up in the hands of mafia who force these kids into begging, rag picking, prostitution and other wicked activities. The Center, apart from  has plans to reward officers who are actively working for the cause.

Marathi speaking auto-drivers – A legacy of Congress, continued by BJP


The Maharashtra Government has ignited a new controversy over auto permits. On 15th September 2015, Maharashtra’s Transport Minister Diwakar Raote announced that the government will issue 1 lakh auto permits in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region during Diwali. As mentioned in On Manorama, in 1997, the then government had stopped issuing fresh auto permits. This announcement was expected to create many new opportunities, however, it also brought disappointment to many faces as it had a clause which said that the rickshaw permits would be given only to those who can speak Marathi.

Diwakar Raote defended the decision by saying

The permits would be given regardless of caste, creed or religion to those who have a domicile certificate. So anyone who fulfills this criteria can apply and get the permit. However, the driver needs to know Marathi. If you have lived for 15 years in the state, then it is a reasonable expectation that you would know at least a little bit of the language

The general secretary of the Mumbai Rickshaw Men Union, Thampi Kurien, has expressed no objection to the clause. As published in the news, when asked by the media, he said that it is not a new rule. It is an old rule under the Motor Vehicles Act that drivers involved in public service should know how to speak Marathi. He also added that 15 years of domicile is good enough for someone to know Marathi.

In fact, the Manual of the Motor Vehicles Department of Maharashtra, reads:

UntitledAs mentioned in the tweet below, Maharashtra Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 also emphasizes on the knowledge of Marathi.

Political battles and gimmicks played on the basis of Marathi and Non-Marathi discrimination is not a new thing in Maharashtra. Mumbai is a cultural hub, it invites millions of people from different regions pursuing different faiths, but the cosmopolitan city has often been treated as a victim of regional politics.

Not surprisingly, the Congress-led opposition, which agreed-upon a similar discriminatory is actively criticizing it as a discriminatory policy. In January 2014, under the then Congress-led government an advertisement was floated for the distribution of Auto rickshaw permits. The advertisement mentioned similar clauses of language and domicile.

Advertisement for distribution of Auto rickshaw permits

The then Maharashtra Chief Minister Ashok Chavan was heavily criticized for declaring that new taxi licenses will only be given to those who are fluent in Marathi and have resided in the state for at least 15 years.  Then the same party, which is talking about regional harmony and cultural brotherhood, which is calling this decision ‘anti-constitutional’ and ‘illegal’, advocated that:

The Cabinet has gone by the Maharashtra Motor Vehicles rules, which were framed in 1989. As per that rule, for a person to have a (taxi) permit, 15 years of domicile is compulsory

The sad part of the politics is that when Congress advocated for such restrictions, BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi and Janshakti Party chief Ram Vilas Paswan stood against it, and called it a conspiracy against Hindi-speaking population of Mumbai. Today, the political scenario has flipped. The then opposition is now in the power, the then government is now in the opposition, but the political games remain the same.

Mumbai has been providing food and shelter to lots of non-Marathi people, especially many from the lower economic strata of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The city is bearing more than its threshold, but then, if we keep talking about cultural and lingual restrictions instead of building new economic hubs, we will never be able to find solutions.

Truth behind “online attack” on John Dayal, and real faces of online abusers whom media ignores


Luke 6:31 – And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise

I won’t get into how Mr. John Dayal, at the very onset in his article slyly equates himself to the young reporters working in rural areas facing abuse and threat while Mr. Dayal only faces Social Media dissent for his deliberate incitement. I also won’t get into how Mr. John Dayal (in the second paragraph) has the intellectual dishonesty to club getting “trolled on Social Media” to “Senior Journalists being beaten by the police during protests”.

We are not here to talk about how Mr. John Dayal plays the Judge and declares Ms. Setalvad an icon while she is under trial for severe crimes such as misappropriation of funds meant for victims (not by the government, but by a court of law), and also, how Mr. Dayal magically relates it all to Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

I’m a mere mortal, persisting, albeit without pause, seeking that the self proclaimed bigoted “seculars” not encroach on the Freedom of Expression of anyone, the voices of dissent of the “trolls”, the cultural nationalists, and in my case, specially of those of these who also have an additional identity of being “Internet Hindus”.

Twitter is a platform where lies seldom go uncontested and that is conveniently termed as trolling by the very people who were, so far, used to peddling lies without being countered freely. When Mr. Dayal’s lies and shameless provocations were countered on Twitter, he chose to do what most people do when cornered in their own abyss – Focus on abuse. Ignore the legitimate questions and facts. Play victim.

And write an innocuous rhetorical blog, sans fact, whining about how the smothering power of Mr. Modi’s parliamentary majority and the open assertion of RSS’ cultural nationalism has emboldened the “Internet Hindus”.

Mr. Dayal claims that he was trolled mercilessly for expressing an opinion about the beef ban, the latest ban on sale of meat (which has been in place since 1964, but that comes under “Facts”, hence conveniently ignored) and his personal culinary preferences. This is not true. He was COUNTERED for a deliberately hateful tweet that is as follows:

Provocative and abusive tweet by John DayalNow here is where John Dayal’s Intellectual dishonesty comes into play.

  1. He wasn’t primarily “trolled” for expressing a harmless opinion on the “Meat Ban” and for expressing his love towards beef (I ordinarily would say that IF he were indeed “trolled” for expressing his love for beef, he should have remembered how he asked the government to be sensitive towards religious sentiments while endorsing the ban on Da Vinci Code. I however, won’t say that, since his dissent would be termed as opinion and mine would be termed as trolling).
  2. He merrily made wild assumptions that “khaki” (a term he uses to target RSS, BJP and anything remotely Hindu) has some strange fascination with deviant sex, and he calls this an innocuous OPINION. When respectfully asked for proof, he incites more hate by insinuating that the mere fact that someone (Hindu sounding) has questioned him, makes him sound like a “khaki who loves deviant sex”.

Abusive tweet by John Dayal

When paid back in the same coin with proof of certain “untoward incidents” involving little boys and Christian priests, he calls it “Hindu fascism and an attack on his religion”.

Here’s another example of his venom being answered back in venom (not justified), which Mr. John Dayal chose to project as an attack on his faith by fascist Hindus:

Abusive tweet by John Dayal

He of course failed to own up to what led to that comment being made (though I don’t endorse name calling of any sort). I happen to have preserved his tweets and document it here, because the liberal media will not tell you about these:

Abusive tweet by John Dayal

When Mr. John Dayal deliberately bifurcates Asarams name (calling him a Serial Rapist, while being offended when reminded of child abuse by Christian priests) into “ASA RAMA” multiple times, he is inciting religious hate. He is insulting the faith of millions of Hindus including me. Why is it that insults to one faith passes off as intellectualism while a push back is seen as intimidation and insult to the aggressor’s faith, while in reality, the opposite is true?

I’m a Hindu woman who supports Prime Minister Narendra Modi. And frankly, I’m tired of being pushed into a corner with abuse, slander, allegations and lies. We all reach a point, where we say to ourselves, that this can’t go on. That its time, we say something and make ourselves heard. This is my attempt.

In the past few months, there have been articles after articles about how “Right Wingers abuse and throttle any voice of dissent” on Social Media. I’m frankly tired of these baseless propaganda driven allegations. I wonder to myself, in which parallel universe do such people believe that us women on this side of the fence don’t get abused. I have already provided a glimpse of how Mr. John Dayal first incited and then cried victim.

And here, I’m attaching some of the abuse that we have received from not only “twitter trolls” but office bearers of political parties:

Abusive language by friends of leading journalists

Abusive language by friends of leading journalists


Abusive language by friends of leading journalists

Abusive language by friends of journalists

These people regularly interact with so-called activists and journalists, who never thought it important to condemn their serial abusive behavior. The same journalists never cease to ask Narendra Modi to control “trolls” on Twitter. Journalists cry copious tears when “their own” are targeted, but choose to look the other way when their own behave in the most disgusting manner.

Unfortunately, there’s absolutely no one to speak for me other than myself. There is no activist, intellectual, or journalist who would come forth and write a report on a particular set of beliefs being throttled with slander, intimidation, and abuse. And why should they? The moment our cause if taken up, the writer himself will be discredited as a “khaki fascists”. I know no media professional would risk that, which is why, it’s important for people like me to speak up and speak up now.

Why should I take your abuse and aggression lying down Mr. Dayal? Why is it that the abuse I receive, or the “Khaki women” receive is less deplorable than what you receive? What is my crime really? That I support and work for a political party that you detest? (Don’t say you don’t Mr. Dayal, we all remember your statement in the U.S House of Representatives in April 2014 even BEFORE Prime Minister Narendra Modi took oath). That I belong to a tolerant people, who only counter on Social Media? How is my Freedom of Expression lesser than yours?

You stand tall and claim that I am a “Hindu Fascist” and that my Fascism is emboldened because of the Cultural Nationalism of the RSS and the current Prime Minister of India. Why do you feel the need to label me a fascist when I stand and proclaim that I am a proud Hindu? Why do you run to file FIRs when “Internet Hindus” counter your religious bigotry and hate on Social Media?

Because you think my faith is lesser than yours?

Wondering why I said that, because this is what you had said Mr. Dayal:

The bigotry of John Dayal

While you have the liberty to say that “I am a Christian because I feel my religion is better than others”, why don’t you extend the same courtesy and religious tolerance to me? Why is your pride in your faith acceptable, while my pride in my faith and my gods, labelled as fascism?

Not any more Sir. I will always be a tolerant and peaceful citizen of this glorious country. But I will not let you lie in my name. I will make myself heard as I am with this article.

I will leave you with these words Mr. John Dayal.

Zechariah 8:16: These are the things that you shall do: Speak the truth to one another; render in your gates judgments that are true and make for peace;

I am a proud tolerant Hindu woman, and while I will make myself heard, you can carry on with your business of hate. By hurting my religious sentiments and then painting me, the aggrieved, as the aggressor, you sir, don’t be little my religion, my faith, or my identity. You do however, deceive your own.