Saturday, May 11, 2024

Culture and History

Bhartiyata: The essence of Bharat

We believe in empowering each Bharatiya so that Bharatiyata in them blooms like the lotus of BJP.

Hindutva in the age of Social Media

Social Media is littered with songs, memes and blogs which all contributed to the mainstreaming of Hindutva.

The Sabarimala verdict is anything but a gender equality win

I’m a Hindu woman and believer who is #READYTOWAIT and with this verdict, I feel utterly cheated and defeated

Does Sabarimala verdict push state power over religion?

If a temple is to be treated as a public place, how far does this argument go?

The History and Legacy of the Ram Janambhoomi Movement

The 6th of December, 1992 could be regarded as the most important even in the history of independent India.

World Hindu Congress 2018: Hindu awakening gets institutionalised

A first-hand account by someone who attended the World Hindu Congress

Dear Hindus, ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away. It’s time we discuss

I am not asking people to use idioms/terminologies of the West exclusively to tackle these problems

Emerging demographic shift in the Bengal Duars and national security concerns for India

There is an urgent need for serious research, thinking and debate on the topic.

The World Hindu Congress and the diatribe against it

The raising Hindu self-awareness seems to threaten the already paranoid and insecure Left

Post 377 era: LGBT community needs to realise what is their biggest challenge and hurdle

Historically speaking, India has been tolerant of homosexuality and transgenders, like all pagan cultures.

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