Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNews ReportsDelhi Police Special Cell comes to rescue of NDTV employee M Atharuddin for plasma...

Delhi Police Special Cell comes to rescue of NDTV employee M Atharuddin for plasma therapy

Plasma therapy is a medical procedure where blood of a recovered patient is used to create antibodies in patients who are currently infected with the disease.

Delhi Police Special Cell on Monday came to rescue of NDTV employee M Atharuddin alias Munne Bharti who is currently undergoing treatment for Chinese coronavirus and needed plasma. Atharuddin had put out a tweet in the morning requesting urgent plasma donation.

Journalist Rahul Pandita amplified his tweet and appealed for donation. To that, Delhi Police Special Cell rose to the occasion and said that they have sent across someone from their unit as plasma donor.

Plasma therapy is a medical procedure where blood of a recovered patient is used to create antibodies in patients who are currently infected with the disease.

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