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Watch: ‘Farmers’ bully and pounce on a young girl as she confronts Rakesh Tikait on Republic Day riots

As Tikait appeared at the protest site, a young lady, who is reportedly a student activist, confronted the alleged farmer leader over issues such as protests, blockade and Republic Day riots.

In a shocking incident, the alleged farmers, who are camping along the Dhansa Highway to protest against the Modi government on the new farm laws, pounced on a young lady and bullied her for confronting Republic Day riots accused Rakesh Tikait of his involvement in the January 26 day violence in the national capital.

On Friday, Rakesh Tikait had visited the Dhansa protest site along the Haryana-Delhi border, where protestors are camping over for the last three months to protest against the three farm laws passed by the centre. As Tikait appeared at the protest site, a young lady, who is reportedly a student activist, confronted the alleged farmer leader over issues such as protests, blockade and Republic Day riots.

In the video that has gone viral now, the young lady can be seen speaking on farmer protests at the Dhansa border as ‘farmer’ leaders stood next to her. The young girl then asked Rakesh Tikait about the future course of farmers protests and questioned the ‘farmer’ leaders on an agreeable solution to the alleged farmer protests.

“I want to Rakesh Tikait on the expected solution that is going to come out of the protests. A solution to these protests should be found so that both the youth and the farmers are not harmed. Can you please tell me what the agreeable solution to the issue is? You have said that the movement will not end until the government agrees to your demands. I want to ask what happens if both the government and the farmers do not agree to discuss it. What will be the solution? Everyone needs this answer,” the young girl questioned Rakesh Tikait and other ‘farmer’ leaders present at the stage.

Confronting Rakesh Tikait for his role in the Republic Day riots, the young girl asked him who would take responsibility for the violence that happened on January 26 in the national capital. I do not know who is responsible for the violence, but such violence will affect our society”.

As soon as the young girl dared to question Tikait regarding the Republic Day riots, the farmer leaders on the stage pounced on her and snatched away the microphone. The angry ‘farmers’, who were standing next to her, confronted and bullied her. One farmer leader can also be seen asking her name, to which the young girl bravely responded.

Even as the farmer leader attempted to stop her from speaking, the young lady continued to address the protestors and the ‘farmer’ leaders to assert that the country’s youth is bound to ask questions if incidents like Republic Day riots occur. The young lady said she did not want to blame anyone but wanted to seek accountability for the riots that were unleashed on the streets on Republic Day.

Republic Day riots in Delhi

Delhi on Republic Day this year was convulsed with large scale violence after rioters disguised as ‘farmers’ entered Delhi to unleash violence, injuring nearly 400 policemen. Many of those rioters, driving tractors, reached the Red Fort and hoisted religious flags and alleged Khalistani flag on its domes and the flagstaff at the Red Fort while desecrating the national flag.

The police have so far registered 38 FIRs in connection with the Republic Day violence and have arrested over 100 people. They had also issued lookout notices against 44 people, including the alleged ‘farmer’ leaders, who they believed had instigated the rioters to indulge in violence.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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