Wednesday, January 1, 2025
36 Articles by

Virender Kapoor

Author, inspirational Guru. 'What you can learn from military principles' 'Excellence the Amitabh Bachchan way' 'Speaking the Modi way' 'Winning Instinct - decoding the power within' 'PQ - How it matters more than IQ'

The more you panic and more noise you make, you will sink faster: The Modi juggernaut and the quicksand that opposition is in

In the last few years with BJP forming the government twice over at the centre and also ruling many states the opposition is dealing with a slippery phenomenon

Before Budget 2022, a cautionary tale: The middle-class should calm down and see things in perspective

On the 1st of February 2022, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will open her tablet and read out how the government money is to be allocated

Steering the ‘Intellectual Ferrari’ that is India: Blood, sweat, tears, patience and faith

India at this point requires a tectonic shift, and whenever this happens, the earth shakes - We need to keep patience and keep faith

Vir Das fiasco: While Vir Das’ ilk gave him the ‘traction’ he was looking for, he turned him into a joke for the rest...

Actually, Vir Das doesn’t deserve this article ‘par kyaa Karen control he nahi hota’ - and while it is necessary to call him out, he might be laughing at us

From ‘slumdogs’ to leaving the West behind: Why I felt rage then and hope now

Today, we no longer apologetically own our nationality or even our faith, today, when the West tries to shame us, we stand tall

The USA should look in the rearview mirror, evaluate their own sins and stop tarnishing Hindus

The western world, especially the Americans are great at creating an imaginary hornet’s nest on a high tree for themselves - This time, against Hindus

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