Tuesday, June 18, 2024



The tale of the Chinese citizen who makes pro-China edits to open-source maps of the Line of Actual Control

Chinese users are editing open-source maps like OpenStreetMap.org in order to perform cartographic warfare.

USA: How Carnegie Mellon University’s Graduate Student Assembly had to apologize to China, not India

The original March 8 statement made a passing reference to the "protests in India", "escalations against Hong Kong’s democracy movement", and "internment camps and forced labor in Xinjiang."

New Zealand snubs Australia to stand with China over WHO’s Covid-19 origin report

China is currently New Zealand's biggest trading partner with annual two-way trade of more than NZ$32 billion ($22.3 billion).

U.S. State Department report says China is committing ‘genocide’ against Uyghur Muslims, Uyghur advocacy group welcomes the report

U.S. State Department report says that China is committing "genocide and crimes against humanity” against its Uyghur Muslims

USA: Biden administration formally declares China’s treatment of Uyghurs as genocide

First declared by Trump administration in January, Biden administration formalizes genocide declaration against China.

Nike, H&M, Uniqlo and other brands face fire in China after comments on forced labour camps in Xinjiang

Shares of H&M, Nike Inc. and others have said to have plummeted after Chinese government officials endorsed the boycott and celebrities cut ties with brands including Adidas, New Balance and Japan’s Uniqlo.

USA: CDC chief under Trump admin says he believes the novel Coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab

Ex CDC chief Robert Redfield has said that he believes that the novel Coronavirus escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

Egypt: Suez Canal blocked after a large container ship from China ran aground

The ship was on its way from China to Rotterdam, Netherlands, when it ran aground in the Suez Canal after being reportedly hit by a strong "gust of wind"

US imposes sanctions on two Chinese officials for human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang

After the sanctions, the US assets of the sanctioned Chinese officials will be frozen and Americans will be prohibited from doing business with these officials.

The Chinese Embassy in Paris calls French researcher ‘little rascal’, France summons envoy to protest

Chinese Embassy criticised for addressing a French researcher as 'little rascal' for his opinions against Chinese policy.

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