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HomeNews ReportsCongress' soft-Hindutva in Madhya Pradesh: Manifesto promises Gaushalas, Ram Path and Narmada Parikrama route

Congress’ soft-Hindutva in Madhya Pradesh: Manifesto promises Gaushalas, Ram Path and Narmada Parikrama route

Congress has released its 112-page manifesto called ‘Vachan Patra’ on Saturday ahead of Madhya Pradesh Assembly elections. Continuing with its soft-Hindutva, Congress in its Madhya Pradesh manifesto has made several promises in that direction.

Congress’ Madhya Pradesh manifesto promises setting up of Gaushalas at all village panchayats. It also promises construction of Ram Path and a Narmada Parikrama route. Congress has also promised to promote Sanskrit.

Congress has been indulging in Soft-Hindutva in Madhya Pradesh after Gujarat elections. Congress says that if voted to power, it will set up a special Spiritual Department the state.

The manifesto promises development of Narmada river, which will include a Narmada Parikrama route for the devotees. There will be rest houses at every 50 km on the route, the party promises.

The party also promises to build a ‘Ram Path’, a mythical path taken by Lord Ram during his exile. This path will be from Chitrakoot to the borders of Chhattisgarh.

The promises in Congress’ Madhya Pradesh manifesto sound unbelievable considering their history of anti-Hindu and anti-cow politics rhetoric. Congress’ concern for Hindu sentiments stands exposed when its party workers have indulged in acts that hurt Hindu sentiments.

People have hardly forgotten the horrible incident when members of Youth Congress in Kannur had brutally slaughtered a calf in full public view to protest against the government’s notification to restrict the sale of cattle in the markets for slaughter purposes. This incident had led to huge public outrage. However, at that time, Congress had distanced itself from the incident by suspending the members involved. But Rijil Makkutty, the Youth Congress’s Kannur mandal president, who had led this ‘protest’, had claimed that the Youth Congress State President was aware of the plan.

Few days after this incident, a Congress MLA from the Kerala, VT Balram, posted a video of consuming beef with friends to express solidarity with those who have been organising beef fest across the state.

Congress, which once tried to demolish Ram Sethu calling Lord Ram a fictional character, also has to its credit the coining of the word ‘Hindu Terror’. As per WikiLeaks, Congress scion and soon to be President of the party, Rahul Gandhi had declared in the US in 2009, that Hindu extremists were a bigger threat to India than Islamic terrorists.

Looking at the contemptuous attitude of Congress towards Hindu sentiments, it would be interesting to see whether Congress would still be able to win Hindu votes in the upcoming Assembly elections.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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