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HomePoliticsCould reports of CPI/CPM receiving Rs 25 crore from DMK be both true and...

Could reports of CPI/CPM receiving Rs 25 crore from DMK be both true and false?

After all, what is a bit of money between friends? Money from workers of the DMK to the workers of the CPIM. Didn’t somebody say : “Workers of the world unite! There is nothing unethical about it.”

Who says that just because something is false that it cannot be true?

Or that just because something is true that it cannot be false?

Who decides that it has to be one or the other? We want “Azaadi.”

In Nineteen Eighty Four, George Orwell describes thus the all important concept of “doublethink” in a nightmarish future world ruled by Communists:

The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them…  Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.

Let us take the case of this recent news article on the matter of DMK donating Rs 25 crore to the Left parties: the CPI/CPIM.

Reports of DMK donating Rs 25 crore to left parties

Ok, so the CPIM say the report of DMK “donating” Rs 25 crores to the CPIM was “concocted.” Maybe we should take the comrades at face value. Who doesn’t?

The CPIM further clarified in no uncertain terms that all donations and funds received during the period of Lok Sabha elections have been reflected in their statement submitted to Election Commission.

CPIM’s clarification

Fine, we will take the comrades at face value. Again, who doesn’t?

But there does remain the small matter of the affidavit filed by the DMK before the Election Commission, in which they have recorded the “donations” made to Left parties.

DMK’s affidavit

Rs 15 crores for the CPI. Rs 10 crores for the CPIM. A humble beginning towards building a true workers’ paradise. But nearly not enough, as the election results showed.

More interestingly, the CPI(M)’s election expenditure across the country was Rs 7.2 crore. If you assume they received Rs 10 crore “donation” from the DMK, where is the other Rs 2.8 crore?

Let it be. Comrades are not very good with money that does not have Mao’s face on it.

But, in case you missed it, look more carefully at What CPIM State Secretary K Balakrishnan told The Hindu.

The ‘donation’ might reflect in the next affidavit

Now we learn that the affidavits will be filed “stage by stage.” And better still, that all the details “might” be reflected in the next affidavit.

Wait, didn’t CPI(M) say before that all donations and funds received during the period of Lok Sabha elections have been reflected in their statement submitted to Election Commission?

So which one is true: First of all, did the CPI(M) receive Rs 10 crore from the DMK or not? Was the report of them getting the money “concocted” like the CPIM said a few days ago? If the money was received, then why was it not reflected in the statement from the CPIM to the Election Commission? If there is another affidavit going to be filed, why did the CPIM say that all donations had already been submitted to the EC?

Plus, they say the amount from the DMK “might” be reflected in the next affidavit. So how many more affidavits could potentially be there? One, two, three … a hundred? Is it open ended? Is the CPI(M) entitled to file what it wants and when it wants and as many times as it wants?

And now, we have more:

Left now says it is not unethical to take money from friendly party

How much reality changes and how quickly!

Just so we are clear, are you saying the reports of DMK donating Rs 25 crore were not concocted then?

Now we learn it’s not unethical to take money from friendly party. How could it be? It is even less unethical to not mention it in the election affidavit, not to know whether all the expenses have been mentioned already in the affidavit, not to know if there will be more affidavits and if so, how many.

After all, what is a bit of money between friends? Money from workers of the DMK to the workers of the CPIM. Didn’t somebody say : “Workers of the world unite! There is nothing unethical about it.

Hey, I think I have a new slogan for the Left Parties going forward. Anyone remember the Pepsi marketing tagline from the 1996 Cricket World Cup? Never mind. Here is my idea for the slogan:

CPI/CPI(M): Nothing unethical about it.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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Abhishek Banerjee
Abhishek Banerjee
Abhishek Banerjee is a columnist and author.  

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