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HomeSocial MediaChild abuse? Netizens react as co-founder of AltNews shares the photo of an underage...

Child abuse? Netizens react as co-founder of AltNews shares the photo of an underage girl to intimidate the grandfather

This was problematic and dangerous behaviour by a so-called 'fact-checker'. Just because someone is using a family member’s image in their social media account, they can’t be dragged into social media fights, especially when they are children.

Mohammed Zubair, the Islamist propagandist associated with so-called fact-checking site AltNews, reached a new low today when he targeted a minor girl in his Twitter fight with a social media user. Zubair referred to the image of the minor granddaughter of a Twitter user named Jagdish Singh going by the account JSINGH2252 in an attempt to shame him publicly.

Zubair had replied to the tweet of IPS officer Dipanshu Kabra who had posted a video showing vehicles jumping wildly over a large pothole on a road. He had posted a ‘fact-check’ article by Alt News, where it was said that it is an old video from China. Mr Kabra had not claimed that video is recent, or that it is from a particular city. He had just asked to guess the city. But Zubair assumed that he is claiming it to be from India, and posted the fact-check saying it is from China.

The Twitter user Jagdish Singh was not happy with such needless fact-checking used a colloquial term in response to Zubair, which is often used by netizens to express how AltNews is hardly a fact-checking website. Responding to Zubair, Jagdish said “l*vde ka fact-checker’, which essentially is used by several detractors to discredit AltNews. The reaction of Zubair was over the top and dangerous. Instead of responding to him directly, he chose to use the DP (display image) of the user on Twitter, where he was seen with his granddaughter.

Tweet by co-founder of AltNews, Zubair
Tweet by co-founder of AltNews, Zubair

He wrote, “Hello Jagdish Singh, Does your cute granddaughter know about your part-time job of abusing people on social media?” After misusing the profile image, he also advised Singh to change it.

This was problematic and dangerous behaviour by a so-called ‘fact-checker’. Just because someone is using a family member’s image in their social media account, they can’t be dragged into social media fights, especially when they are children. Although he had blurred the face of the girl in the image, the fact remains that he used a young girl to respond to the man. That minor girl can’t be made responsible for the actions of her grandfather on social media, and someone who claims to fact-check others should be aware of this basic thing. In fact, Zubair’s argument is even more illogical than blaming PM Modi for every tweet posted by Twitter users that he follows on the microblogging site.

As Zubair has a large follower base and is associated with a website, his action becomes far more dangerous. Any social media website has several people, especially Islamists, who use personal information to target individuals who don’t agree with their world view. The fact that Zubair, who is rather well-liked by Islamists used the image of the child, may encourage others to use the same tactic, using images of family members of social media users that don’t agree with, especially images of young girls.

When someone sees that their family members are dragged onto such fights, they are bound to retract in the interest of their minor family members. Essentially, this is a standard method used by co-founders of Altnews and other propagandists to intimidate anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

Following the tweet, Mohammed Zubair was slammed by other Twitter users for such irresponsible behaviour.

Some people noted that actually it is a crime in India, and asked Jagdish Singh to file a case against him.

Immediately after Mohammed Zubair targeted the minor girl seen in Jagdish Singh’s profile picture, he immediately changed the same, to prevent anymore misuse of the same.

How AltNews acts as an Islamist ally

Propaganda website AltNews has been largely peddled as an authentic source of fact-checks by the entire Left cabal. Their articles are peddled by any anti-government, anti-Hindu riffraff that the ecosystem has to offer and they often claim that their method is rather elaborate and authentic. With patrons like Arundhati Roy, who regularly speaks in a language that can only be called one that resonates with Naxals and every element that wishes to tear India apart, AltNews has gained a reputation amongst right-thinking individuals as a mouthpiece of Islamists. The so-called fact-checking website regularly furthers fake news, obfuscates the truth, concocts details to shield Islamists and sometimes, even creates fake news simply to fact check it later. 

In their quest to exonerate perpetrators from the Muslim community, AltNews has employed several methods over the years. Their methods have now almost become predictable and standardised. While subtly peddling Islamic propaganda, AltNews keeps up the veneer of fact-checking to make their propaganda far more palatable to their already gullible readers, and that, they have the help of the entire ecosystem for their nefarious plans certainly helps move things along.

They often use some standardised methods to act as the allies of Islamists – they peddle downright lies, deliberately mislead, whitewash deplorable crimes, collaborate with global Islamists and Left-wing elements and finally, dox individuals who don’t conform to their worldview. In this incident too, Zubair, the co-founder of AltNews seems to have used exactly the same method to silence a critic.

AltNews, although it calls itself a ‘fact-checking website’, is, in reality, an Islamic propagandist portal. Apart from the examples used to demonstrate the techniques used to defend Islamists, there have been numerous other occasions when they have whitewashed the crimes of Islamists or false accused Hindus of guilt. They tried to whitewash the crime of Zahid and Aslam who murdered a three-year-old in Aligarh last year. They spread misinformation about the Hindu Swastika. They were even caught shielding the Islamists who committed the brutal terror attack in Sri Lanka. Really, it would be difficult to find an Islamist crime which AltNews hasn’t played its propaganda over.

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