Amid the second phase of Lok Sabha elections in West Bengal, a team of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has found a large cache of arms and crude bombs in Sandeshkhali village in North 24 Parganas district of the State.
According to Republic TV, a team of the National Security Guard (NSG) was brought in after the discovery of the arms, armaments and explosives in Sandeshkhali.
#BREAKING | Bomb disposal teams in action, Republic Bangla only channel bringing you all the latest updates from West Bengal's Sandeshkhali.
— Republic (@republic) April 26, 2024
Tune in –… #NSG #Sandeshkhali #CBI #TMC #WestBengal
As per a report by The Indian Express, the CBI had been conducting raids in Sandeshkhali since Friday (26th April) morning after learning that a locked house belonging to a local resident has stored arms, crude bombs etc.
The central agency also brought in equipments to dig the floor of the house.
#Breaking: NSG commandos reach #Sandeshkhali after huge cache of arms & ammunition recovered by CBI from a building this morning.
— Pooja Mehta (@pooja_news) April 26, 2024
Visuals shared on social media by Republic Bangla highlight recovery of large cache of weapons. According to the channel, crude bombs were recovered from under the land ahead of the upcoming elections in Sandeshkhali.
Amidst the recovery of arms in Sandeshkhali, the reign of fear perpetuated by Sheikh Sahajahan looms large.
— Locket Chatterjee (Modi Ka Parivar) (@me_locket) April 26, 2024
It's time to dismantle the networks of terror and restore peace to the region. No more intimidation, no more violence. #CBI #Sandeshkhali #EndTerror
In a tweet posted by BJP MP Locket Chatterjee, she said, “Amidst the recovery of arms in Sandeshkhali, the reign of fear perpetuated by Sheikh Sahajahan looms large. It’s time to dismantle the networks of terror and restore peace to the region. No more intimidation, no more violence.”
আবু তালেবের বাড়িতে বাঙ্কার: সূত্র। বাঙ্কারের মধ্যে অত্যাধুনিক বিদেশি অস্ত্র মজুত। খাগড়াগড়ের মতোই মাটির বাঙ্কারে থাকতে পারে IED-ও। সন্ত্রাসবাদী কার্যকলাপ চালাতে গোপন সুড়ঙ্গ?
— Republic Bangla (@BanglaRepublic) April 26, 2024
দেখুন রিপাবলিক বাংলা 🔴LIVE:
.#Sandeshkhali #SandeshkhaliNews…
Citing sources, Republic Bangla also informed that the weapons, which also included imported ones, were recovered from the house of a man named Abu Taleb.
The investigative authorities are now probing whether the accused had stored Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) in the bunkers found at his house