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HomeNews ReportsUS-based ‘Human Rights Lawyer’ Arjun Sethi gives a call to oust the Modi government,...

US-based ‘Human Rights Lawyer’ Arjun Sethi gives a call to oust the Modi government, spreads falsehoods on farmer protests

Arjun Sethi’s hatred for PM Modi became more apparent following the passage of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) by the Centre in 2019.

A day after a violent mob of protesters participating in tractor rally wreaked havoc in the national capital, a US-based ‘Human Rights Lawyer’, presumably of Indian origin, Arjun Sethi, made a clarion call to the demonstrators to continue protesting against the Modi government and oust PM Modi from power.

Sethi equated Donald Trump with PM Modi and urged people to mobilise against the Indian Prime Minister as they did against the former US President.

“If you organised against Trump, organise against Modi. If you organise against white supremacy, organise against Hindutva nationalism. The struggle for liberation is global,” Sethi tweeted.

Source: Twitter

Earlier yesterday, Sethi had tried to whip up resentment against the Modi government by claiming that “terrible violence and atrocities” were being inflicted on the farmers and that the BJP, RSS, PM Modi and Delhi Police were responsible for this.

Source: Twitter

Sethi was also profoundly distressed that internet services were suspended in some parts of the capital in the wake of violence. Sethi claimed that by blocking internet services Modi government wanted to silence dissent and commit acts of violence against the farmers and the protesters.

According to Sethi, when violence broke out in Delhi, police should not have placed internet curbs in the city. Perhaps, they should have allowed the social media miscreants to continue fomenting unrest through rumours and provocative posts is what Sethi meant with his tweet.

A cursory glance at Arjun Sethi’s Twitter profile characterises him as a person supporting the farmers in their fight against the Modi government. However, a deeper and more considered look at his profile reveals that Sethi harbours pathological hatred for PM Modi.

For a long-time now, Sethi has been dissing against PM Modi and the BJP-led central government. Sethi’s hatred for PM Modi became more apparent following the passage of Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) by the Centre in 2019.

Ever since the CAA came into force, Sethi has been on a ranting spree against the central government and the Act itself. He has been persistently stoking unfounded fears about the CAA and has made several demands for its annulment.

Sethi even had problems with the Uttar Pradesh government when they named and shamed the anti-CAA rioters. The so-called Human Rights Lawyer also extended his support to the Shaheen Bagh protests, where demonstrators squatted on a busy thoroughfare in Delhi to oppose the CAA. In fact, Sethi also spearheaded a Shaheen Bagh-kind of protest in Washington against the CAA.

Source: Twitter

Sethi has also been seen celebrating denunciations of CAA made by the various city councils in the United States as if those denunciations were of profound consequence to get the CAA revoked.

Source: Twitter

Behind his interminable opposition to the CAA lies his overwhelming hatred for PM Modi. Sethi had even alleged that PM Modi helped incite and later justified the Gujarat pogrom. He even termed PM Modi a war criminal for his alleged role in Gujarat 2020 riots. He has been incessantly trotting out accusations of fascism against PM Modi and his government.

Perhaps, this perennial animosity for PM Modi is why he has now called for protesters to stage an uprising against the Modi government. The ongoing farmers’ agitation against the central government has provided an apposite plank for the Washington-based ‘Human Rights Lawyer’ to peddle his hatred against PM Modi, even if that meant unabashedly lying to stir resentment against the current dispensation.

Tractor rally protesters resort to violence and vandalism to create mayhem

Though Sethi has been scare-mongering about the violence that marred the tractor rally in Delhi on the 71st Republic Day, he has been significantly economical with the truth.

New Delhi was in the grips of violence on Tuesday when thousands of rampaging protesters opposing the three new Farm Laws ran riot on the streets of the national capital. Clashes broke out between security personnel and the unruly mob of protesters as they tried to breach the barricades and proceed on forbidden paths.

As thousands of so-called ‘farmers’ streamed towards the city, using their tractors to pull apart barricades and defy the agreed-upon route for the parade, police forces responded to bring a semblance of order to a city that seemed to be in chaos.

The police officials lathi-charged and tear-gassed the lumpen protesters to stop them from creating mayhem in the capital. Violence ensued and over 300 policemen were injured in the clashes that broke out between the riotous protesters and law enforcement officials. Violence was followed by vandalism as several vehicles, including DTC buses were attacked by protesters carrying out the tractor rally.

A large number of protesters also stormed the Red Fort in Delhi, where they attacked the security personnel who were deployed there, and subsequently scaled the iconic monument to hoist a religious flag alongside the Indian tricolour.

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