On Friday (24th November), Madhya Pradesh Police arrested an individual identified as Moin Khan for harassing and abusing Hindu women in a local park in Indore. The accused reportedly hurled abuses at the Hindu women practicing Yoga in the park. He was apprehended by the police after the women sought help.
According to the report by Nai Duniya, the accused entered a local garden where a group of Hindu women were practicing Yoga. Khan sat on a nearby bench and started playing pornographic clips in a high volume.
Indore, MP: Mohd Moyeen infiltrated a garden, sat next to Hindu women who were practicing yoga early in the morning, and began playing porn videos.
— Treeni (@_treeni) November 27, 2023
When the women objected, he started hurling abuses at them.
Subsequently, one of the women in the garden contacted the Karyakartas… pic.twitter.com/cXcmhemIRo
The woman felt uncomfortable and asked the accused to stop playing the video. However, the accused refused to stop and attempted to show the porn film to the women. He also hurled abuses at the women.
The Hindu women then contacted the local police station with the help of their Yog Guru identified as Ratnesh. The police arrived at the spot and arrested the accused. The Police have also filed an FIR in the case based on the complaint of the women.
Further investigations in the case are underway.