On Wednesday (8th May), Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a scathing attack on Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, charging him with ‘corruption’ and cutting a deal with top industrialists. He asserted that the Congress leader, who constantly abused industrialists and chanted ‘Ambani-Adani’, had gone silent against them after the elections were announced. Accusing the Congress leader of cutting a deal, PM Modi insisted, Shehzada ye ghoshit karein ki Ambani-Adani se kitna maal uthaya hai. (Shehzada of Congress should declare how much black money Congress has received from them.)
PM Modi made these remarks while addressing an election rally in Karimnagar, Telangana. Referring to Rahul Gandhi as ‘Shehzada’, PM Modi said, “You must have seen that Shehzada of Congress, for the past five years, had been chanting as soon as he woke up in the morning. Ever since his Rafale issue got grounded, he started a new chant. For five years, he was chanting – five businessmen, five businessmen. Then he started saying Ambani-Adani, Ambani-Adani. But ever since elections have been announced, he has stopped abusing Ambani-Adani.”
#WATCH | In his address to a public meeting in Telangana's Karimnagar, PM Narendra Modi says, "'Shehzada' of Congress, since his issue of Rafale grounded, he started talking about '5 industrialists' all the time in the last five years…later he started saying 'Ambani-Adani', but… pic.twitter.com/lIbSURkY1C
— ANI (@ANI) May 8, 2024
He added, “I want to ask from the land of Telangana today, how much has the Shehzada taken from Ambani-Adani this election? How many bags of black money has he got? Has a tempo filled with notes reached for the Congress? What deal has been made that you have stopped abusing Ambani-Adani overnight? For five years, you abused Ambani-Adani. And now you have stopped abusing them suddenly. That means you have got something. You will have to answer to the people of the country on this.”
PM Modi asserted that corruption and appeasement politics are the only glue that binds Congress and BRS together. Slamming opposition parties, PM Modi said, “The only ‘glue’ that binds Congress and BRS together is corruption. Appeasement politics is what’s their agenda. Congress and BRS follow the ‘zero governance model’. Therefore, we need to save Telangana from the corrupt clutches of these parties.”
During his rally, PM Modi stated that the fuse of the Congress and I.N.D.I. alliance had blown off after the three-phase of voting concluded. Stating that the people are driving BJP’s victory chariot, he asserted that this time, Congress will need a microscope to search for its seats.
PM Modi said, “Yesterday, the third phase of voting (for Lok Sabhal elections) took place in the country. In the third phase, the third fuse of the Congress and the I.N.D.I. alliance has blown up. Four phases of voting are still left, people’s blessing is pushing the victory chariot of the BJP and NDA with great pace.”
He further stated that two things have become clear after the third phase of elections, first- the public is taking NDA’s ‘Vijay Rath’ forward at a fast pace. Second, Congress is searching their seats with magnifying glasses. After seeing your enthusiasm in Telangana, I can say one more thing: Congress’s usual magnifying glass will not be sufficient to find seats in the fourth phase. Congress will have to use a microscope to find its seats, the Prime Minister added.
Meanwhile, after his election rally in Karimnagar, PM Modi will address rallies in Warangal and Rajampet – and attend a roadshow in Vijayawada later in the day.