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Calcutta High Court’s decision to cancel OBC certificates in Bengal, where Muslims had also been included, is an eye-opener for the country: PM Modi

PM Modi said that this decision is an eye-opener for the country as to how you (the opposition) are snatching away the rights of OBCs.

The Lok Sabha elections 2024 have entered their final week. After voting in the sixth phase today, the last phase of voting is slated to take place on 1st June. In the seventh phase, voting will also take place in Varanasi, where PM Modi is a Lok Sabha candidate. Continuing a series of interviews during these elections, Prime Minister Narendra Modi sat for an exclusive interview with DD News on Saturday (25th May). 

During the interaction, PM Modi said, “I hope that some hardworking people from the opposition will be elected and reach Parliament so that they can criticise the government with data and hard work. This will lead to the development of the country.” PM Modi asserted, “For me, the 140 crore people of my country are a manifestation of God.”

During the interview, PM Modi described the Calcutta High Court’s recent decision on OBC reservations as an eye-opener for the country.

In the ongoing elections, PM Modi has attended more than 350 rallies, public meetings, and roadshows, and remained the busiest throughout the entire election. 

According to the Prime Minister, elections are a big celebration of democracy and an opportunity to inculcate the values of democracy in the minds of future generations. The government and political parties should be accountable to the public. During elections, they should present their vision and plans before the country. Misleading the public by making conflicting statements within a month is not right, the Prime Minister asserted. 

(Video Courtesy – Narendra Modi YouTube channel)

PM Modi said, ‘I consider elections as a campaign for public welfare. For me, there are two forms of God, Sakaar (one with physical manifestation) and Nirakaar (formless). The manifested form is the 140 crore citizens of my country. For me, elections are like worshipping God. It is a continuous process that intensifies during elections.’

Calcutta High Court’s decision on OBC reservations is an eye-opener for the country

Responding to a query regarding Muslim reservation, PM Modi asserted, “People say that Narendra Modi is against reservation for Muslims. However, the reality is that our Constitution says this. From Babasaheb Ambedkar to all intellectuals, they have said the same thing. I also say the same. I oppose giving reservations based on religion because the Constitution considers everyone equal. Therefore, if someone says that they belong to a particular religion and should receive reservations, that will not happen.”

Referring to the Calcutta High Court’s recent decision where it cancelled OBC certificates issued by the West Bengal government since 2010, PM Modi said that this decision is an eye-opener for the country as to how you (the opposition) are snatching away the rights of OBCs. By the way, Delhi’s Shahi Pariwar (a dig at the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty) did not accept OBCs since the time of Jawaharlal Nehru. This continued until the government of VP Singh. These people have always hated OBCs. They have always been enemies of OBCs. But when the OBC reservation started, they created the Karnataka model to loot the rights of OBCs by including Muslims in it. Mamata Banerjee is accused of doing the same thing, which the court took notice of and cancelled it.

It is satisfying that now discussion is happening on the issue of development: PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, “I have fought and campaigned in many elections. Earlier, issues like caste and community used to dominate during elections, but my experience from Gujarat has shown that I compelled all parties to focus on development. It is a matter of happiness for me that people have started talking about development. The expectations of the people have increased.” 

He added, “Previously, people only hoped for temporary measures like mud-filled roads during floods; that was the extent of their aspirations. But now they demand four-lane roads. This represents a significant change.”

I don’t form opinions through newspapers: PM Modi

Further, in the interview with senior DD journalist Ashok Srivastava, PM Modi said, “I have plenty of resources for information. I don’t form opinions based on newspapers. I don’t follow the tradition of filtering out critical views because of which I get to know all kinds of feedback.”

He pointed out that there had been a tradition that whenever the CAG report pointed out something positive, no discussions were held regarding its findings and it would be ignored. But when he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat, he would give directions to address the shortcomings found in the CAG report. “I am someone who listens to criticisms. In the five-year term, after three years, there were no complaints left. The opposition had nothing left to say because I would also accommodate their problems as well. I would listen to their problems and resolve them,” the Prime Minister added. 

Sound Criticism of the government is necessary

Replying to the people who ‘criticise’ him, PM Modi said, “Criticism requires hard work. I have said that 4 crore homes were built, which requires hard work to criticise, something which the opposition fails to do. (Objective) Criticism is essential to run an effective government, but nowadays people do not work hard enough. If my claim of 4 crore homes is to be criticised, then the opposition should thoroughly investigate it. Whether everyone received a home or not, whether anyone had to pay money, what process was followed, what problems arose – if the opposition criticises in this manner, it will be beneficial. The shortcomings that are identified should be addressed, but the opposition is not putting in much effort. I hope that hardworking individuals from the opposition are elected to parliament. Even criticisms should contribute to the enrichment and betterment of the country.”

PM Modi reiterated the same in an interview with News18 where he opined that he missed a strong opposition during ten years of his government which pained his heart.

The nation wants a strong and stable government

PM Modi pointed out that there have been different styles of functioning as far as coalition governments are concerned. PM Modi noted that though Atal Ji’s government was also a coalition, everyone’s responsibilities were defined. Manmohan Singh also ran a coalition government, but there was also a super PM in it. Each ministry considered itself a separate government. The concept of a super PM led to complications. This time too, the I.N.D.I. alliance is preparing for five years with five PMs. These people have done this before, with a scattered system. They are bringing the same concept again. If this is the mindset, how will the country run?, the Prime Minister said. 

PM Modi added that when the people of India elected a new government in 2014, not only there was anger towards the old government but also he had a track record in Gujarat. He said that the BJP had clearly stated that we would form the government under the leadership of Modi. The public had a clear vision which is why they chose us. In 2019, they saw the track record of the past five years. The people saw that a stable government was good for the country. In this way, the people of the country are providing a stable and strong government.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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