On Friday, the 13-year-old daughter of a BJP leader in the Jalalpur area in the Jaunpur district of Uttar Pradesh was abducted by 4 goons, and she was found abandoned later in the day in Varanasi. However, in the worst kind of twisting news for political agenda, Samajwadi Party supporters are claiming on social media that BJP leaders gang-raped a minor girl.
Surya Samajwadi, a known supporter of the Samajwadi Party, posted on X that a girl studying in 6th standard was gang-raped by BJP leaders. He alleged that no BJP leader has been arrested or booked, and the media is silent on the issue. “This is the reality of Yogi, if the accused is a BJP leader, he will not even be arrested,” he claimed.
But the news clip the X account shared clearly mentions that the minor victim was the daughter of a BJP leader, it nowhere mentioned that the accused are BJP leaders. But despite that fact, several other SP supporters made the same claim, that BJP leaders gang-raped a minor girl, while the fact is that a BJP leader’s daughter was kidnapped and allegedly gang-raped.
The same claim was shared by several other social media users who identify themselves as supporters of Samajwadi ideology.
अब देखने वाली बात है यहाँ सद्भावना एक्सप्रेस का ड्राइवर ट्रेन चलाएगा या बुलेट ट्रेन का देखते हैं ।
— GAURAV🇮🇳 (@GK010200) August 3, 2024
जौनपुर में कक्षा 6 में पढ़ने वाली नाबालिक बच्ची का बीजेपी के नेताओं ने गैंगरेप किया
लेकिन बीजेपी नेताओं की न तो गिरफ्तारी हुई न ही मुकदमा दर्ज किया गया
मीडिया वाले चुप्पी साधे… pic.twitter.com/SgOaWHIZvU
In another tweet, Surya Samajwadi claimed that a BJP leader abducted the minor girl while going to school, and then she was gang-raped by four persons in a Bolero car. He also claimed that when the girl’s father reached the police station to file complaint, he was chased away by the cops. He again claimed that the accused are BJP leaders and that’s why no arrest have taken place in the case.
The claim that BJP leaders abducted and gang-raped a minor girl is completely false. The fact is, that the victim girl is the daughter of a BJP leader, and a police case has been registered in the case. The accused are yet to be identified, therefore it is a completely false claim that they are from BJP.
As per reports, the girl studying in class six was riding a bicycle to her school on Friday morning when 4 goons travelling in a Bolero car abducted her from the road. She was dragged into the vehicle at a deserted place near Chhatidih.
When she didn’t return home after school time was over, the family got concerned and started to look for her. When they contacted the school, they said that the girl didn’t come to the school on Friday. They then spotted her bicycle lying on the roadside and realised that something was wrong.
The father went to the police station and lodged a complaint. The police started a search operation immediately, and after 8-9 hours, she was found on the Azamgarh bypass near Varanasi. She was thrown out from the vehicle and the abductors had fled.
It was found that she was assaulted, her clothes were torn, and attempts were made to cut her blood vessels. She walked for some distance on the road after she was released by the abductors, but then she fell unconscious. Police found her covered in blood, and immediately admitted her to a hospital.
Notably, the SP supports shared a Dainik Bhaskar report which claimed that the girl was gang-raped. The media cell of the Samajwadi Party also shared this clip, claiming that a BJP leader’s daughter was gang-raped in a moving car in PM Modi’s constituency. While the party didn’t accuse BJP leaders of abducting and raping the girl, they accused the Yogi Adityanath government of playing dirty politics in the cases of rape, murder etc.
उधर योगी जी हत्या ,बलात्कार ,छेड़खानी के मामलों में गंदी राजनीति कर रहे ,जाति और बाकी चीजें खोज रहे जिससे उनके कार्यकाल की ध्वस्त कानून व्यवस्था छिपाई जा सके
— SamajwadiPartyMediaCell (@MediaCellSP) August 3, 2024
इधर प्रधानमंत्री के संसदीय क्षेत्र में भाजपा नेता की बेटी के साथ चलती बोलेरो गाड़ी में गैंगरेप हो गया
अब तो भाजपाई भी… pic.twitter.com/2YuR9j2ii1
However, the police have denied the gang rape charge. They said that no charge of gang rape was made in the complaint. In a statement, City SP Brijesh Kumar stated that when the girl was questioned about the incident, she didn’t make any gangrape charge. She was only assaulted and then released.
They also replied to Akhilesh Yadav, saying that there is no charge of gang rape in this case. Rape is not proven during primary treatment of the girl, they said. They added that the case is related to the abduction and assault of the student, which is being probed. Therefore, there is no question of DNA test of the culprits after their arrest as gang rape allegations have not even been made and not found in medical tests.
The girl was released from hospital after treatment and her family took her home. Police have formed 4 teams to nab the abductors. At present the motive of the crime is not known, but the police suspect enmity with the family.
Not abducted, fled on her own: Police
However, a twist came later in the case, as the police investigation found that the girl was never abducted. In a video statement, SP Ajay Pal said that the girl was not abducted and not assaulted by anyone. He said that the girl had left her home on her own as she was unhappy with her family over some matter. The SP said that police have got witnesses confirming this. The police also recovered her bicycle in a place shown by the girl herself.
Note: This report has been updated with latest developments in the case