Monday, June 10, 2024


chinese communist party

Is China planning to interfere in Indian elections? Analysing NewsClick funding and CCP’s track record in other countries

China has a clear track record of influencing elections in several countries including the Philipines, Kenya, Italy and Canada.

NewsClick China funding: Fresh case lodged under UAPA, Delhi Police special cell searches premises with forensic team at multiple locations, Teesta Setalvad raided too

Delhi Police registers fresh case against NewsClick under UAPA, China funding under probe as special cell raids 30 locations.

Newsclick Editor-in-Chief Prabir Purkayastha exchanged emails with US millionaire Neville Roy Singham, discussed how to report India-China border dispute, and more

China was dictating leftist media portals in the likes of Newsclick to parrot the Chinese line, revealed NYT and the email

Chinese President Xi Jinping fears the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party as 415 million people revoke affiliation with the party: Report

Chinese premier Jinping expresses fears that Chinese Communist Party may collapse, claims the Greek City Times.

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