Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNews ReportsAl Qaida threatens attacks on Indian military to establish Sharia in Kashmir

Al Qaida threatens attacks on Indian military to establish Sharia in Kashmir

The terror group Al Qaida is reported to have released a document titled Code of conduct for Mujahideen in the subcontinent, in which it details its objectives and targets and also lays out general guidelines for its members to follow.

This document reportedly seeks to wage war against all the security personnel serving in both conflict and peacetime areas for their battle against the implementation of Sharia. 

The document also reportedly makes officers a priority target and places emphasis on targeting those who have the ‘blood of Kashmiri brothers on their hands’ (sic).

The document interestingly mentions a certain Maulana Asim Umar, a resident of Uttar Pradesh, to be the chief of Al Qaida in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS). Umar hailing from Sambal in Uttar Pradesh had studied at the Darul Uloom Deoband and then is believed to have moved to Pakistan in the late 1990s.

This document comes after Zakir Musa a former Hizbul Commander floated his own terror outfit and also announced his support for Al Qaida.

In the past too Al Qaida has issued similar directives to its operatives for waging war against India. In 2016, it had asked Indian Muslims to rise up and carry out lone wolf attacks like the ones that were being carried out in Europe.

Also recently, various terror outfits have openly declared the sectarianism in Kashmir to be a direct fight for the implementation of Sharia and the Islamic state.

We had recently reported how a Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists had called Hurryat leaders, “hypocrites”, “infidels”, “followers of evil” and even threatened to chop off their heads “if they created hurdles in the path of making Kashmir an Islamic state”. He was reportedly furious at the Hurryat people as they were portraying Kashmir as a “political struggle” instead of a “religious war for the creation of Islamic state”.

Even the ISIS has recently released a document which detailed its intention to turn Kashmir into a Caliphate based on Sharia Law.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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