Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNews ReportsCongress MP Shashi Tharoor spreads fake news on Twitter

Congress MP Shashi Tharoor spreads fake news on Twitter

Shashi Tharoor, former union minister and Congress MP from Thiruvananthapuram, on Friday night tweeted how Government of India has ‘blocked an internet archive vital to researchers. He even posed a question what does the BJP have to hide?

The tweet linked to an article on a website that is notorious to publish anything and everything without deference to facts or logic. The article accused the government of attacking our privacy. And it was based on half truths and lies.

Last week only we had brought out the truth about the “inexplicable instance of censorship” which was done not on government’s orders but by Madras High Court orders. As it turns out, Prakash Jha Productions and Red Chillies Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. approached the court of Justice Anita Sumanth in an attempt to stop pirated copies of their films Lipstick Under My Burkha and Jab Harry Met Sejal from being viewed online. Following which, as many as 2,650 websites were blocked as per the Madras High Court order.

Perhaps the court allowed as one of the websites to be blocked, as the website also archives media files. But they are allowed only through proper channels. So if a movie is leaked by uploading its media files somewhere, will not preserve the media file without taking into consideration the copyright issues.

Nonetheless, seems to be up and running and for most ISPs at the time Tharoor tweeted it. And he got called out on the wrong information he tried to propagate:

Alert Twitter users also pointed out it was Bollywood, not Government that brought in the ban in the first place:

Perhaps Mr. Tharoor could do with a bit of fact-check and be a little more responsible by not spreading fake news.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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