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HomeOpinionsInsensitive insults against Hindus is common among Indian comedians because they can easily get...

Insensitive insults against Hindus is common among Indian comedians because they can easily get away with it

There is always an element of insult and sarcasm in humour that could hurt or provoke an individual, a group of people or a country. But being uncouth and calling it “cool” seems to be the new “in thing” these days. It is indeed tragic that the thin line between being downright uncivilized and stand up comedy seems fast fading.

Insulting Hinduism is a favourite hobby of so-called Indian comedians. Firstly, I am not an advocate of banning jokes on religion. Mocking foolish practices is not a bad thing in itself. Some level of decency must not be crossed while mocking religions. The bunch of famous comedians we have in India will never reach the heights that George Carlin did in his shows. He was provocative and funny, yet he had intellectual substance in his humour.

Secondly, jokes should not be targeted at a single religion alone because it is safe to criticise them. Comedians must be courageous enough to call out regressive practices in all religions (which is not the norm in India). Some of our ‘secular’ comedians had to offer an apology to Christian Padres and others had to delete their account for making Muslim jokes. But a publicised apology for their insults on Hindus has not come through from this gang (if they have, pardon me).

Hindus are called ‘Bhakths’ or ‘BJP IT cell’ when they object to some jokes. We Hindus are branded as intolerant and hateful people. If you want to know what is intolerance, you should check out the fate that Charlie Hebdo cartoonists met for publishing a cartoon.

Recently, a tweet by a comedian named Urooj Ashfaq received criticism for its blatant insensitivity to Hinduism. The comedian, who claims to be an atheist, suggested that beef be cooked in a yagnya that is being planned in Madhya Pradesh. This is insensitive and uncivilised.

The comedian not only refused to express regrets but went on to say that she would do it more often. This is not an isolated case but a persistent pattern among so-called ‘comedians’ in India.

One of the most anti-Hindu arrogant comedians I have come across is Radhika Vaz. The Karva Chauth tradition has been debated by feminists and conservatives on social media. Some say it is regressive, while others say it is a matter of choice. But Radhika Vaz calls it ‘Karva Chooth’, which is blatantly indecent.

Another well-known comedian named Aditi Mittal claims that she was brought up as a human and not a Hindu/Muslim/Christian/Parsi. This naturally raises the question as to how other Hindus were brought up (as animals?). The comedian checks out all secular credentials, believes that her religion changes as per the situation. But the problem arises when she starts analysing news about crimes.

The comedian is ok with painting the crime with communal colours when it suits her agenda of maligning Hindus or the BJP government which is in power. Where did Aditi’s humanism go? What is the need to give the crime a communal colour?

The same comedian endorses the opinion of Rana Ayyub who says that Muslims need not apologise for the killing of Charlie Hebdo artists who were killed by armed gunmen. Again, why does Aditi feel the need to absolve Islam from a terror attack while she is happy to incriminate Hindus in certain crimes?

The reason why the word secularism is being hated is not because of the concept itself, but the partisan manner in which it is applied in almost every domain by the ‘liberal ecosystem’. The bunch of comedians who claim to be ‘liberal/secular’ of this cabal have only perpetuated a normal Hindu’s distaste toward the concept of ‘secularism’.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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