Monday, June 17, 2024

Monthly Archives: May, 2018

Karnataka Congress MLA rubbishes tape released by his own party, says no attempt to bribe by BJP

Shivam Hebbar stated the voice in that tape was not of his wife's.

Congress President offers support to members of media who want to take on Modi government

The ecosystem getting the support openly, can the media really be trusted?

Decoding Congress’ ‘give and take’ equation

Is Congress playing the father-son duo again?

Concerns over demographic shift is not motivated by hatred but by love

The Hindu Civilization is the last great pagan civilization in History and the most ancient civilization alive

Village builds a Degree College on their own 10 years after the Bachchans and UNPA alliance fail to deliver

The villagers turn a dream into reality after the Bachchans and the then UNPA alliance failed them

Dear Prime Minister, you are not doing anything substantial for your core voter

Ignoring core voters and sticking to Vikas will result in BJP's defeat

Former Diplomat convicted under Official Secrets Act may have converted to Islam: Reports

Some have speculated that she would have received much greater scorn had she been a Muslim.

Mamata Banerjee’s Facebook post erupts with people questioning her on the Panchayat poll violence

People vent out their anger in the comment section of Mamata Banerjee's Facebook post.

Why Congress is finished in Karnataka

In the relentlessly competitive sphere of Indian politics, they can expect to be taken to the cleaners.

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