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As Congress links emerge to JNU violence, Rashid Alvi calls Modi and Shah ‘experts in rioting’

"I feel that Narendra Modi and Imran Khan are in this together and that is why all this is happening," said Congress leader Rashid Alvi.

Congress leaders and their stooges in the mainstream and social media have been trying desperately to blame the violence in JNU on the government. Even as reports emerge that the violence may have been planned by leftists, and links with Congress have emerged, the ecosystem is busy trying to paint the central leadership as the villain.

As reported by Zee News, Congress leader Rashid Alvi today called PM Modi and HM Amit Shah “riot experts”. In Amroha, the senior Congress leader called the two BJP supremos as “people who cause a fire”, while describing Priyanka Gandhi and Congress as fire extinguishers.

“The history of Amit Shah Ji and Narendra Modi Ji is known to the whole country. There have been experts in rioting. America had refused to give them visas, people of the country know their history very well,” he said.

“Priyanka Gandhi and Congress Party are about to extinguish the fire. These people are going to set fire,” Alvi added.

The Congress leader further alleged that both Modi and Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan are helping each other. “I feel that Narendra Modi and Imran Khan are in this together and that is why all this is happening,” he said.

Earlier, in a press conference in 2013, Alvi had referred to the then Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as ‘Yamraj’.

It is ironic that the Congress leader has called Modi and Shah ‘riot experts’ considering the facts which have been emerging about his party members recently speak otherwise.

In an unprecedented turn of events, a mob of masked goons ran riots on the Jawaharlal Nehru University campus in New Delhi on Sunday evening. Soon after the violence broke out, screenshots of WhatsApp conversations purportedly used by the mobsters to coordinate the violence started making rounds on social media. Not coming as a surprise, Congress connection had surfaced after WhatsApp conversation of coordination of violence went viral on social media.

We reported how the main riot instigator, one Anand was non-other than Anand Mangnale who has reportedly previously worked with JD(U)’s Prashant Kishore, who had earlier worked as a strategist for ex-Congress President Rahul Gandhi in 2016 ahead of Uttar Pradesh state assembly elections. In fact, Anand Mangnale is still very much Congress’ crowdfunding campaigner.

Surprisingly, before his Congress connections were revealed, Anand had been tweeting live updates from inside JNU campus when the violence was taking place. If he is not a student or with the security agencies, what exactly was Congress crowdfunding campaign coordinator who also ‘infiltrates right-wing WhatsApp groups’ to ‘keep track of their activities’ (as claimed by him) was doing on campus when violence broke out? Especially when his own conversation is all about trying to instigate violence.

In fact, Congress has joined hands with radical Islamists in India who have been running riots since the passage of the Citizenship Bill. Congress has been seen actively shielding them, egging them on and even justifying the violence unleashed by Muslim mobs.

Congress’ student wing, NSUI had been earlier involved in organising anti-CAA protests which had turned violent.

It is pertinent to note that several Congress leaders have been booked for the anti-CAA riots by Muslim mobs that have gripped the nation.

While investigating the incidents of statewide violence which occurred on December 21, the Patna Police recently got their hands on Congress leader Ashutosh Sharma who has been accused of attacking media people during the Bihar bandh and has been on the run since then. Congress leader Ashutosh Sharma was caught on camera assaulting journalists at the Dak Bungalow Chowk in Patna. The Congress leader was reportedly on the run after the case was registered against him.

The crime branch of Ahmedabad police had nabbed a Congress leader for posting a fake and misleading video on social media which incited a Muslim mob during a protest march at Shah-e-Alam, Gujarat, where several police officials were brutally attacked by Muslim mobs.

Congress party’s minority cell member Umar Khan Pathan had shared a video on social media in which a police action against rioters from Lucknow was passed on as an incident in Ahmedabad stoking violence in the Shah-e-Alam. The fake news had unleashed a violent Muslim mob, who attacked and injured more than 25 policemen on duty.

The Ahmedabad Police had arrested Congress Corporator Shehzad Khan Pathan along with 32 others for carrying out the deadly attack during anti-CAA riots on police personnel. They have been booked for attempt to murder, rioting and assaulting police.

Additionally, Six people including four local politicians and the former Congress MLA were named as suspects in the Delhi Police FIR related to Jamia violence. The Delhi Police had named former Congress MLA Asif Khan as one of the accused in its FIR.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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