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HomeNews ReportsCongress Dalit leader Dr Udit Raj’s fans hack into IT cell zoom meeting. Here...

Congress Dalit leader Dr Udit Raj’s fans hack into IT cell zoom meeting. Here is what they demanded

"The entire BJP IT cell is employed in running a propaganda demanding that I should be made the national president of the Congress party," Raj said even as one of his admirers raised the demand of appointing him as the Congress President.

Very few politicians manage to inspire support and love like Congress leader Dr Udit Raj does. It is widely known that Dr Udit Raj commands a huge following and is massively popular among his supporters, who are better known as Uditians. His fans have displayed, time and again, their unswerving loyalty and devotion for their cherished leader, often going the extra mile to make their support known.

With the Congress party marred with a leadership crisis, the loyal fan base of Dr Udit Raj has been fervently demanding that their leader be anointed as the President of the party. On several occasions, Raj’s fans have taken to Twitter, trending hashtags in support of their leader and demonstrating the massive support that Raj enjoys on social media.

Uditians hack Congress zoom meeting to demand Dr Udit Raj be made national party president

However, the Uditians went a step ahead when they recently hacked into a Congress IT cell zoom meeting. After raiding into the Congress Zoom meeting, Uditians reiterated their demand of giving the mantle of Congress Presidentship to Dr Udit Raj. The meeting was also attended by Congress Dalit leader Dr Udit Raj, where one of his supporters hacked into the meeting and raised the demand of appointing Raj as the President of Congress.

On his part, Dr Udit Raj modestly tried to play down the request made by his fans, terming the intrusion by his supporters as an attempt made by the BJP IT cell workers to disrupt the Congress Zoom meet.

“The entire BJP IT cell is employed in running a propaganda demanding that I should be made the national president of the Congress party,” Raj said even as one of his admirers raised the demand of appointing him as the Congress President.

However, this did not sit well with loyal supporters, who were disappointed with their leader crediting the BJP IT cell and not acknowledging their efforts to promote him for the Presidency.

Congress leader Dr Udit Raj commands a massive following

The support for Dr Udit Raj is not a recent phenomenon. In fact, it has only risen precipitously in recent times. Earlier in November, a day before the US Presidential elections results were to be announced, Uditians stormed Twitter by trending ‘DrUditRajForPOTUS’. They argued that even the post of POTUS would not do justice to the abilities and characteristics embodied by Dr Udit Raj.

Earlier in August, after 23 Congress leaders wrote to the interim President Sonia Gandhi for a complete overhaul in the party, speculations were rife that Congress would finally be selecting a non-Gandhi to head the party. Since then, hashtag #UditRajForCongressPresident started trending on Twitter. With rumours of an imminent churning within the Congress party, Uditians have only intensified their efforts to make their demands known to the Congress leadership.

Though Raj has downplayed the growing demand of him being elected as the party’s national president an attempt by the BJP IT cell, his fans claim that it’s their genuine demand and they are not paid by any political party. Shri Udit Raj Ji has been vocal about people’s issues with real and justified substance in his demands, which isn’t seen in Rahul Gandhi’s statements, a digital activist and a hard-line supporter of Dr Udit Raj said while talking to OpIndia.

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