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‘Hemant Soren raped me like an animal, sex maniac’: Woman alleges death threat, letter demanding police protection goes viral

In a letter, the victim has narrated in great detail about the alleged sexual assault on her by Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren.

A letter has gone viral on social media where a woman has requested police protection fearing safety to her life from Jharkhand chief minister Hemant Soren, whom she has accused of raping her. She has recently registered a complaint accusing Soren of not only raping her but also attempting to kill her.

A Mumbai-based model Mumtaz (name changed) has alleged that she was not only raped by Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren in 2013 but has also constantly threatened her and the family against speaking about the alleged incident in the public.

The alleged incident came to light after several netizens took to Twitter on Wednesday to trend ‘JusticeforAyesha’ to demand justice for a woman, who was allegedly raped and threatened by the incumbent Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren seven years ago at a hotel in Mumbai.

In fact, the alleged victim had registered a complaint in 2013 against Hemant Soren, however, had had later withdrawn it.

The issue was propped by Godda MP Nishikant Dubey in June this year, who had demanded the reopening of rape and kidnapping case which was lodged by a Mumbai-based girl against Soren way back in 2013. However, rejecting all allegations, Soren had also filed a Rs 100 crore each defamation suit against Dubey and others, alleging they had published defamatory statements against him.

However, the rape allegations have once again resurfaced on the internet after a recent complaint registered by Mumtaz against Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren has gone viral on the internet. The letter, written allegedly by the victim, contains the detail sequence of incidents that occurred in the last seven years and the manner in which she was raped, subsequently threatened by the accused, including Soren.

Hemant Soren raped me, threatened to kill: Mumtaz

According to the complaint filed, in September 2013, the accused had met Hemant Soren at a party in Mumbai’s Taj Lands End in Bandra through one friend Suresh Nagre. The victim alleged that Suresh Nagre, whom she had thought as a mentor, had asked her to join him at a party, saying that she would get a chance to meet some film celebrities who would be at the party. As per Mumtaz, she reached Hotel Taj Lands at around 10 pm and met Suresh Nagre. Nagre asked her to come to a suite on the 21st floor.

“I went to the Suite on the 21st floor and upon entering the room, I realized that there were only three men in the room. Mr Suresh Nagre introduced me to Mr Hemant Soren, saying that he is a very famous personality and that he knows most of the prominent personalities in the Bollywood industry,” said Mumtaz in her recently filed complaint.

Further, in her complaint, Mumtaz said that Hemant Soren and Nagre invited her to have dinner at the suite. After the dinner, other people left the room except for Hemant Soren and Mr Suresh Nagre, the victim stated in her complaint.

“After having some personal discussion between Mr Hemant Soren and Mr Suresh Nagre, Mr Suresh Nagre informed that he was going down to greet some more visitors. When I started to move out with Mr Suresh Nagre, he hurriedly slammed the door behind saying that he would be back within 10-15 minutes and that I should wait in the suite itself. Mr Hemant Soren in the meanwhile came near and pulled me back and made me sit forcefully saying that he wanted to talk to me while,” she added.

The aspiring actress, sensing that something was wrong, said that she tried calling Mr Suresh Nagre but went in vain as he did not take her call. However, in the meantime, Soren in the pretext of consoling the lady started touching her inappropriately everywhere, she alleged.

“I was shocked and in panic, I attempted to yell out for help, but, Mr Hemant Soren forcefully closed my mouth with his huge hands and threatened me with dire consequences and said that he has another diabolic face which people were feared of and that he is highly influential, hence police would not dare touch him,” Mumtaz alleged.

Hemant Soren undressed her, behaved like animal and sex maniac to rape me, alleges victim

Narrating her ordeal, Mumtaz added Hemant Soren allegedly undressed himself completely and as well made her undress forcefully. Soren allegedly also threatened her saying he would throw her out of the window of the 21st floor and nobody would even find out her dead body. Whilst in such a state, Soren forced himself upon her and raped her against will and consent, she alleged.

“During the intercourse and sexual acts, I was hurt as Hemant Soren was very dominating and had huge private parts larger in size and was behaving like a wild animal and a real sex maniac to the core,” the victim alleged in her complaint filed at Bandra police station.

After sexually assaulting her, Hemant Soren allegedly asked the complainant to leave the premises in the wee hours of the morning with a threat that if she tells anyone, she’d be killed. The victim said that Soren promised her to help her to launch her film career if she kept quiet.

She further alleges that even after the incident, Suresh Nagre allegedly called her again to meet Hemant Soren in Jharkhand. “I started avoiding the calls of Mr Suresh Nagre. However, he kept on pestering me by making calls and SMS continuously,” the victim narrated.

Accused pressurised to withdraw complaint

As the harassment went beyond the bounds, she disclosed her ordeal to one friend, who advised her to lodge an appropriate complaint with the police. However, as Soren held high office and was the son of former Jharkhand CM, the victim feared to lodge a complaint at the local police station but instead filed a case in a Mumbai court against Hemant Soren and Suresh Nagre under Section 376, 366, 365, 354, 323, 506 r/w 120B and 34 of the IPC.

Just after the aggrieved woman registered a complaint against Soren, she began to receive threats by and on behalf of the accused persons. According to her, the threats were of dire consequences and warned of killing her and their family if she failed to withdraw the complaint case. Succumbing to threats and coercion, she was forced to withdraw the criminal complaint against Hemant Soren.

Threats continued even years after withdrawal of complaint, murder attempt on victim

After the withdrawal of the said complaint case, the complainant shifted out her residence and was under constant fear. Under fear of harm to her and the family, the victim stated that she tried to forget the ignominy she had suffered and was trying to lead a peaceful life.

“However, all of sudden for the past about 4-5 months, I and my family members are being threatened over a phone and I could sense that certain people are watching me and my house. As such on many occasions, it has become difficult for me to step outside my house because of which I am under tremendous stress and am under constant fear for my life”.

In fact, an attempt has also been made to kill the victim in August this year, seven years after the alleged incident. According to her, on August 8, 2020, when she was travelling to Gujarat, she was met with an accident and the vehicle which was hired was badly damaged.

“After the day of the accident, I am being followed by four unknown persons and I have a reasonable apprehension that the incident was not an accident but was an attempt on my life which was done by people at the instance of the accused,” Mumtaz revealed in her complaint alleging that the accused are trying to end her life.

Fearing for life, the victim in the recently filed complaint said, “I have been continuously followed and there is an imminent threat to my life and other family members. Hemant Soren has already made an attempt on my life. It has become difficult for me and my family to leave our house as we are followed. I apprehend that the moment the aforesaid persons would know about the present complaint, attempts would be made to eliminate me.”

Registers another complaint after seven years

Interestingly, seven years after the incident, the victim has registered a complaint with the Mumbai Police. A letter with a detailed account has allegedly been sent to the Bandra police seeking an investigation to her complaint.

In her complaint to the senior police inspector, Bandra PS, Mumtaz (name changed) said that she was making the present complaint directly to him, instead of approaching the local police station as on the earlier occasion she was threatened and coerced to execute a document to withdraw the complaint. I apprehend that the same thing could happen again after receipt of the present complaint, she wrote in the letter.

“In view of facts and circumstances as stated above, it is requested that an FIR be registered forthwith on the basis of the present complaint and the investigation into the cone be handed over to some independent and competent officer and/or to it specially constituted Special Investigation Team (SIT). It is further requested that adequate security-and-protection be provided to me and my family taking into consideration the influential persons involved in the present offence. I hereby request urgent and immediate action in the matter. I assure complete cooperation with the investigation,” the victim said concluding her complaint.

We tried to reach both the complainant and Mumbai police. None of them responded to our attempts to reach them. The story will be updated soon.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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