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HomeNews ReportsMajor bites again: US President Joe Biden’s dog bites the second person in a...

Major bites again: US President Joe Biden’s dog bites the second person in a month

The 3-year-old German Shephard bites another person just a few weeks after biting a Secret Service employee.

US President Joe Biden’s dog, named Major, was involved in a 2nd biting incident just a few weeks after another biting incident involving a Secret Service employee, according to the White House.

Major, a 3-year-old German Shephard, was out for a walk when the incident occurred according to the First Lady Jill Biden’s press secretary, Michael LaRosa. Major is one of Joe Biden’s two German Shephard dogs, the other dog named Champ.

In an email statement, LaRosa clarified that the person who was bitten was treated by the White House medical unit “out of an abundance of caution” and that the person later went back to work “without injury.” Jill Biden’s press secretary also gave an explanation for Major’s behavior.

“Major is still adjusting to his new surroundings and he nipped someone while on a walk,” said LaRosa.

The biting incident took place on Monday afternoon on the White House South Lawn and the person bitten is said to be a National Parks Service employee.

A few weeks ago, Major was involved in another biting incident in which he bit a Secret Service employee at the White House, causing a “minor injury”, according to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki. After this incident, both the dogs, Major and Champ were sent back to Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware. However, the dogs had since then returned to the White House.

In an interview with ABC News after the first biting incident, Joe Biden had said that the bite did not penetrate the victim’s skin and that Major was receiving additional “training” at home in Delaware.

“You turn a corner, and there’s two people you don’t know at all,” he said. “And he moves to protect. But he’s a sweet dog. Eighty-five percent of the people there love him. He just — all he does is lick them and wag his tail.” said U.S. President Biden.

The Biden family adopted Major in 2018 from the Delaware Humane Association, after fostering him as a puppy. Major is first dog from a dog shelter to occupy the White House and has appeared alongside Biden numerous times.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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