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Indonesia: Man almost marries the wrong woman after Google Maps guides him to the wrong location

Two ceremonies were to be organized in the same village on the same day, a wedding and an engagement, which was the root cause of this unique mix-up.

In an extremely bizarre situation, an Indonesian man almost married the wrong woman after being led to the wrong location by the navigational app Google Maps.

According to a local Indonesian news portal, two ceremonies were to be organized in the same village on the same day, a wedding and an engagement, which was the root cause of this unique mix-up.

According to the 27-year old bride Ulfa, at first, she was unaware the man and his entourage had entered the wrong house, as she was occupied with a make-up artist. This led to the unsuspecting family of the bride exchanging wedding gifts with the man and his entourage.

A video of the even has gone viral on social media, where the groom’s side can be returning from the wrong bride Ulfa’s house in a very awkward position, with the gifts and other items they had carried for the ceremony.

Luckily, one member of the group from the groom’s side realized that they had entered the wrong house.

“They said they were led to the house by Google Maps,” said Ulfa, adding that before leaving, the man and his entourage sincerely apologized for the confusion.

Coincidentally, Ulfa’s actual fiancé and his entourage were late to the ceremony as they had to stop and look for a toilet.

“I was shocked when I saw the man’s group as I did not know any of them,” Ulfa said, clarifying that her fiance was from the Kendal Regency in Central Java while the man was from Pemalang.

In a show of kindness, Ulfa’s family later led the lost man and his entourage to the right house.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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