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Biden’s ‘Israel has right to defend’ statement irks American Muslim group, decides to boycott White House Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations

Joe Biden on May 12, said that Israel has the right to defend itself when thousands of rockets are fired at its territory. He answered to one of the reporters who asked him about his views on the ongoing escalation in Israel.

Amidst escalating tension between Israel and Palestine, the Council on American-Islamic Relations announced that it will boycott the White House’s annual Eid al-Fitr celebration in protest of US President Biden administration’s response siding Israel.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in a Tweet announced, “CAIR Joins Boycott of White House Eid Celebration in Response to #Biden Administration’s Defense of #Israeli Attacks on #Palestinian Civilians.” The Tweet is accompanied by an image of the devastation in Gaza and reads, “President Biden, does your TV show you these children in Gaza? Does their murder deserve your condemnation?”

The group claimed it is “incredibly disappointed and deeply disturbed” by the US position on the violence.

“President Biden has the political power and moral authority to stop these injustices. We urge him to stand on the side of the victims and not the victimizer,” CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said.

“CAIR joins other American Muslim organizations in cancelling our plans to take part in President Biden’s Eid celebration. We cannot in good conscience celebrate Eid with the Biden Administration while it literally aids, abets and justifies the Israeli apartheid government’s indiscriminate bombing of innocent men, women and children in Gaza. President Biden has the political power and moral authority to stop these injustices,” he added in a statement to the media. 

The White House this year had scheduled a virtual Eid celebration to mark the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramzan for Sunday. However, the newly elected President Biden received severe backlash from Muslim groups, pro-Palestinian ‘activists’, and progressive Democrats for his stand on the current violent conflict between Israel and Palestine. 

Biden’s statement

Joe Biden on May 12, said that Israel has the right to defend itself when thousands of rockets are fired at its territory. He answered to one of the reporters who asked him about his views on the ongoing escalation in Israel. 

Biden said that he had a conversation with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu and expected violence would end sooner than later.

In an official readout of the call between the two readers, it was said, “He condemned the rocket attacks by Hamas and other terrorist groups, including against Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. He conveyed his unwavering support for Israel’s security and for Israel’s legitimate right to defend itself and its people while protecting civilians. He also conveyed the United States’ encouragement of a pathway toward restoring a sustainable calm.”

Israel thanks Joe Biden

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Nentanyahu during an official press conference thanked President Biden for his clear and unequivocal support to Israel. 

The situation in Israel continues to remain grim with Israel having vowed to put an end to the menace created by Hamas- an Islamic terrorist organization.

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