Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNews ReportsVeteran journalist Kanchan Gupta appointed senior adviser to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

Veteran journalist Kanchan Gupta appointed senior adviser to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

The order dated 11th June states that Kanchan Gupta has been appointed to the position for a period of one year.

Journalist Kanchan Gupta has been appointed a senior adviser to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on Friday. The veteran journalist has updated his bio on Twitter to reflect the same.

Kanchan Gupta appointed senior adviser to I&B Ministry

The order dated 11th June states that Kanchan Gupta has been appointed to the position for a period of one year.

The order

Kanchan Gupta is a veteran journalist and was an advisor to former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee. He is currently serving as Chairman, Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation, Kolkata, and is a member of the Prime Minister’s Committee on Netaji 125th Anniversary.

Gupta has worked at The Telegraph early in his career and was the youngest Assistant Editor in The Statemen’s history. He has worked for The Pioner under Vinod Mehta and writes columns for several newspapers.

The veteran journalist has recently lost his father to Covid-19. His father, with his widowed mother and siblings, had fled to India during 1947-50. While working on a book on the plight of Hindu Bengali refugees from East Pakistan as perceived through Bangla literature, he wrote a tweet thread in which he mentioned that the refugees from East Pakistan were deemed as ‘Permanent Liability’ by Nehru Government that included his family.

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