Gujarat’s Congress leader Hardik Patel said on the 22nd of April that he is not joining the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). There were strong rumours and speculations of his political shift after he had praised the BJP. Hardik Patel said that he still has some hope from the Congress party’s high command.
Hardik Patel said, “I have no plans to join BJP. I welcome the political decisions that have been taken by BJP recently. The party is strong in Gujarat as they have leadership with decision-making abilities. I hope the high command will listen to me.”
Ahmedabad, Gujarat | I’ve no plans to join BJP. I welcome the political decisions that have been taken by BJP recently. The party is strong in Gujarat as they have leadership with decision-making abilities… I hope the high command will listen to me: Congress leader Hardik Patel
— ANI (@ANI) April 22, 2022
He further said, “The problem with the Gujarat Congress party is the leadership. I don’t have a problem with any individual leader in Gujarat. The leadership does not let anyone work, and if someone works, they stop them.”
When asked about speculations of him joining the BJP, Hardik Patel said, “I have expressed concern with the party high command, and they have assured me a decision will be taken very soon. Even when you don’t like something at home, you express you are not happy with your father and mother. I am telling the truth, so don’t think I am leaving the party.”
Praising Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for its organization and decision-making abilities, Hardik Patel said, “The BJP has a good, strong base. They have the capability of making decisions. We should accept the enemy’s strength and work in that direction to fight them. The BJP is strong because they have leadership qualities and they take correct decisions. However, I have no plans to join the BJP. It is not even in my mind. We must acknowledge the strength of the enemy. They are powerful, and enemies should never be underestimated.”
Hardik Patel also said that he is a proud Hindu. He said, “We believe in Bhagwan Ram. On the anniversary of my father’s death, I am going to distribute 4,000 copies of the Bhagavad Gita. We are from Hindu Dharm, and very proud of being Hindu.”
This is not the first time that Hardik Patel has criticized the Congress party. Earlier on 14th April 2022, he had said, “My position in the party is that of a newly married groom who has been made to undergo nasbandi (sterilization).”