On Tuesday, the Mumbai Police arrested a 25-year-old tempo driver from Bandra for threatening a Marathi actor who had allegedly posted a social media post commenting on Islam. The accused driver has been identified as Rizwan Khan who had issued death threats to the Marathi actor on July 4.
According to the reports, the accused also had asked the actor to not post or show anything against the Islam religion and that those criticising it would be shot dead. The Mumbai police took the help of the cyber crime cell to identify the accused and arrested him from the Bandra transit camp. The accused was produced before the 37th metropolian magistrate who remaded him to 2 days of police custody.
The Mumbai Police has booked the accused under sections 153 (A) (selling enmity between teams on grounds of faith, race, fatherland, residence, language) and 295 (A) (deliberate and malicious acts) of the Indian Penal Code.
Reports mention that Ajay Dubey, the lawyer of the accused after he was presented before the metropolitan magistrate, alleged that the Police had wrongly arrested Khan and that he through his social media post had not threatened anybody. “My client through Twitter was requesting people not to make any objectionable comments against Islam, but Police misinterpreted it and arrested him”, the lawyer was quoted.
However, the Mumbai Police social media cell saw the objectionable tweet posted by Khan on July 1. “Our workforce was conserving a strict vigil on the objectionable content material on the social platform and was blocking them. Khan’s tweets were a basic risk,” the cell stated.
The Mumbai Police has reportedly arrested accused Rizwan Khan under sections 153 (A) and 295 (A) of the Indian Penal Code for issuing death threats to a Marathi actor.