Saturday, September 21, 2024


Mumbai Terror Attacks

Tales of betrayal and Congress’ insensitivity as the 26/11 terror attack left 166 dead

To this day, I shudder to think what would have happened if Ajmal Kasab, one of the 26/11 terrorists, had not been captured alive

26/11: USA announces $5 million reward for information on Mumbai attacks perpetrators

The US government's announcement is third such RFJ reward offer seeking information regarding the perpetrators of Mumbai terror attack.

Congress wondered what would happen if ‘BJP has its way’, here’s what would happen if ‘Congress had its way’

If Congress had its way, people would find themselves hoping that BJP could have its way again

9 years after Pakistani terrorists gunned down his parents, 11 year old Moshe returns ‘home’.

Moshe was saved by his Indian nanny, Sandra Samuels, after terrorists gunned down his parents.

NIA arrests son of global terrorist and head of Hizbul Muhajideen Syed Salahuddin

He is currently employed in agriculture department of J&K government.

Book reveals that Army was spooked by Barkha Dutt’s reporting in Kargil

Barkha Dutt has fiercely defended her reporting during the Kargil war, but a book suggests that army was concerned.

‘Branded Hindu terrorists, killed in police custody, body disposed of as 26/11 victims’

Affidavit by a suspended police inspector claims shocking details about Malegaon blasts accused.

Ravish Kumar gets a dark screen- NDTV India to be shut down for 1 day, read why

NDTV India indicted in a case of threatening national security

Paranoia or Propaganda? Analyzing the latest outbursts of Julio Ribeiro

The former police officer has written yet another article that plays on rhetoric and ignores facts.

Ujjwal Nikam countered propaganda with propaganda. Wrong, but fair.

Is the argument that Nikam lied to counter media propaganda of Kasab being a poor brainwashed boy valid?

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