Saturday, June 1, 2024


smriti irani

Government clamps down on those reporting ‘fake news’, says no advertisements for them

Action may also be taken if the newspaper indulges in "anti national" activities.

I&B Ministry issues show cause notice to Radio Mirchi for its anti-India campaign

The FM station had shared an absurd campaign that aimed to demean India

Amethi’s local congress leader joins BJP merely days after Rahul Gandhi’s visit

Rahul Gandhi was recently on a 3 day visit of the region

The Hindu receives show-cause notice from Press Council for its Elphinstone molestation story

The show-cause notice follows a complaint from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

As expected, hitjobs begin against Smriti Irani as the I&B minister, here’s the first one

Financial Chronicle falsely claimed that some bureaucrats quit because they were at unease under new minister.

Woman journalist groped and pinched at a Youth Congress rally in Delhi

Aneesha Mathur, a senior correspondent with Times Now, shared her ordeal on Twitter.

Gujarat Rajya Sabha polls – there is hardly anything to celebrate for Congress

Ahmed Patel may have managed to retain the Rajya Sabha seat, but Congress' prospects in upcoming elections seam bleak.

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