Monday, June 17, 2024



Conspiracy to attack PM’s rally: NIA raids 10 locations in Bihar, files 2 FIRs against PFI terrorists arrested by Bihar police

The NIA on Thursday conducted searches in multiple locations in Bihar in connection with the terror module with links to PFI

Drug money from Pakistan used to fund fake journalists who demonise India, glorify terrorists: State Investigation Agency after terror funding raids

Evidence shows drugs smuggled across the border were used to generate funding to spread terror in Jammu and Kashmir.

Bihar terror module: PM Modi’s Patna visit was on target, terrorists also wanted to take revenge of Nupur Sharma’s remarks

FIR has been lodged in the Bihar terror module case against a total of 26 people of which 3 have been arrested

Breaking: Jaipur-Secunderabad Express stopped at Itarsi station after reports of a bomb in the train, police on the spot

As per reports, a letter was found on the train which mentioned that there is a bomb on the train. After that, the train was stopped in Itarsi.

Islamic terrorism in Amravati: How two others were threatened and made to share apology videos for sharing post in support of Nupur Sharma

All these threat calls were made prior to the murder of Umesh Kolhe who was killed by Islamists in Amravati.

Terrorists get creative, try to blame Kabul Gurudwara attack on Nupur Sharma’s remarks; have earlier carried out multiple terror attacks targeting Sikhs

Sikhs in Afghanistan have been targeted by Islamist groups including the ruling Taliban and have been threatened to either flee the country or convert to Islam even before the so-called blasphemous statements by Nupur Sharma.

NDTV’s Vishnu Som admits that most terrorists are from Islam, but says the truth must not be spoken to preserve Muslim sentiment: Here is...

The NDTV journalist appeared more worried about the potential that 'data' might have in stereotyping Muslims than the actual over-arching implications of terrorism.

American woman who led all-women battalion for ISIS, planned bomb attacks with ‘maximum possible violence’, pleads guilty to terrorism

Allison Fluke-Ekren provided more than 100 women and girls including the ones aged as young as 10-years-old with military training on behalf of the ISIS. Her main job was teaching women and children to use AK-47s, grenades, and suicide vests.

India and Israel adopt vision statement to counter cross-border terrorism and boost Defence Cooperation during Israeli Defence Minister’s India visit

Defence ministers of India and Israel signed a 'vision statement' on defence cooperation in Delhi on June 2, 2022

We are happy that because of his martyrdom, a thousand lives are saved: Father of braveheart J&K cop Mudassir Ahmed

"Because of his sacrifice, a thousand other lives were saved. We are very proud of him today", Mudassir Ahmed's grief-stricken father Maqsood Ahmed Sheikh said.

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