Sunday, June 2, 2024



Kashmir – A filtered reality presented to us

To arrive at a more dependable picture of reality, we must recognize these common filters

The apologists of Islamic terrorism, and their flawed arguments

From blaming guns to asking what kind of Muslims kill in the month of Ramadan, apologists have always avoided the real debate.

Some questions on the Dawood-Khadse story we must ask

Some loose ends in the Khadse story need to be investigated

Paranoia or Propaganda? Analyzing the latest outbursts of Julio Ribeiro

The former police officer has written yet another article that plays on rhetoric and ignores facts.

Interview of an RSS leader that the mainstream media refused to publish

An interview conducted by a reporter, but a leading newspaper refused to publish it.

Kerala: Lives lost, limbs lost, but not hope – the story of Sadanandan Master

Advaita Kala writes about her experience of being in Kannur in Kerala, where communists have killed many Hindu activists.

Chidambaram and the art of misplacing documents

How do important documents get misplaced so often?

Mr Home Minister – Time to go all-in to end Left wing extremism

"Left wing extremism" must be put to a complete end now. Else, people will conclude that this government has been equally inept in tackling this menace.

Terror attack in Pakistan, but Indian media shamed

Pakistan media authorities take a dig at Indian media even as Indian journalists spread propaganda

Headley names Ishrat Jahan, but will India’s “secular” brigade accept?

The truth about Ishrat Jahan is out, but some still dont want to see it

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