Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNews ReportsJaved Akhtar slammed for absolving the Rohingyas in Hindu mass grave matter

Javed Akhtar slammed for absolving the Rohingyas in Hindu mass grave matter

On Monday, lyricist Javed Akhtar took to Twitter to absolve Rohingya terrorists of the mass murder of 28 Hindus whose mass grave was found in the conflicted Rakhine state.

In his tweet, Akhtar virtually gave clean chit to the Rohingya terrorists and instead blamed the Myanmar Army of killing Hindus. This, despite many reports that quote Hindu survivors who have identified Islamist Rohingyas as attackers. Was Akhtar doubting the account of survivors? This is similar to Kashmiri separatists who often blame Indian Army when Hindus and Sikhs are attacked in Kashmir. E.g. The Chittisinghpura massacre where 35 Sikhs were brutally murdered in Kashmir in 2000.

A Twitter user gave a fitting reply to Akhtar’s armchair activism.

When questioned how can he be so sure that “Hindus are also escaping along with Rohingyas” without knowing facts of the matter, Akhtar replied,

This, even as there are reports that the Hindus in the conflicted Rakhine region are paying a high price for the conflict between Rohingyas and Myanmar Army. A report by Times Now paints an even grim picture of the situation. According to that report, 300 Rohingyas had abducted 100 Hindus on 25 August and killed 92 of them. According to several Hindu refugees, they fled their lands after the Rohingya terrorists came to attack them with weapons like swords, guns and even spears. The hundreds of attackers reportedly burnt the Hindus’ homes and even shouted that Rakhine is an Islamic state. So, Hindus and Rohingyas aren’t running away from common enemy. The Hindus are running away from the Rohingya terrorists.

Others, too, called him out.

Twitterati also channelised their inner sarcastic self to show Akhtar’s hypocrisy.

This is not the first time Javed Akhtar has shown his hypocrisy in full glory. Earlier he had asked for sacking of a female police officer who had written a passionate poem blasting the Azaad Maidan rioters.

He has also made demeaning and condescending remarks about sportspersons just because he did not agree with their views. He had also posted an offensive ‘joke’ on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s estranged wife, which he later deleted.

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