Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeMediaNews agency IANS uses expletive to describe PM Modi, suspends journalist

News agency IANS uses expletive to describe PM Modi, suspends journalist

The Indo-Asian News Service (IANS) published a story about a new scheme approved by the Cabinet of Ministers chaired by the Prime Minister himself in which the word ‘Bakhch*d’ was used as Narendra Modi’s middle name. The story started doing the rounds after Nishant Saxena, a correspondent for exchange4media, raised the issue on Twitter.

Saxena’s claim was corroborated by Republic TV journalist Nalini Sharma as well. The news has now been picked up by several other media outlets.

Saxena further stated that after some time a news advisory was issued by the agency which read, “IANS is withdrawing a story “Cabinet approves scheme on remunerative crop prices” which moved at 1756 hours. It contains inaccuracies. Please guard against its publication. A substitute version has moved at 1844 hours.”

Edited version of IANS story

The reporter in whose name the story was published was suspended with immediate effect and the concerned editor has been issued a show-cause notice. IANS has stated that an investigation has been launched into the matter.

Meanwhile, there are fears that more people could lose their jobs over the fiasco. The webcache of the original story can still be accessed here.

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