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HomeNews ReportsJaved Akhtar defends Ram Guha after his hypocrisy gets exposed, turns out, he is...

Javed Akhtar defends Ram Guha after his hypocrisy gets exposed, turns out, he is the biggest hypocrite of them all

Social media is a great leveller

When lyricist Javed Akhtar is not busy penning songs for films, he spends his free time on Twitter labelling people on Twitter as ‘cockroaches‘ and ‘creeps‘ and asking them to stay in their ‘auqat’. Recently, a Twitter user disagreed with Leftist ‘historian’ Ramchandra Guha and referred to him as a hypocrite.

Javed Akhtar took it to heart and immediately jumped into the conversation and attacked the Twitter user Gorakh Nath Chaubey, referring to him as a ‘creep’.

He then went on to praise Guha and said that while anyone can disagree with Guha, but calling Guha a hypocrite is ‘an insult’.

Akhtar then justified his liberal usage of the term ‘creep’ to someone who was not even talking to him by saying that they should know they are not the ‘only ones’ who can cross the line.

Meanwhile, scientist and columnist Anand Ranganathan, armed dangerous with his legendary Twitter threads took it upon himself to expose Akhtar’s hypocrisy.

Akhtar has stood up in solidarity with MF Hussain but has never once condemned Hussain’s portrayal of Hindu gods which many found offensive. He had said, “There may be a difference. But please understand. This is a difference not within Husain. It is the difference of historical traditions and he is painting certain traditions. There are different traditions, there are different value systems, there are aesthetics in different parts of society; in different segments of the society; in different schools.” However, when it came to Salman Rushdie, Akhtar said, “You cannot speak in a derogatory manner; write dirty things about those who are revered by billions.”

Read also: Javed Akhtar abuses a columnist who expressed a politically incorrect opinion

Anand Ranganathan further says how Akhtar preaches the world about misogyny, fundamentalism, bigotry and even refers to Manusmriti, but never speaks about the Quran. He adds how Akhtar preaches on poverty but then mocks the same by giving his wife a cake depicting a slum with icing detailing open sewage.

He reminds Akhtar of his own contradictory tweets on freedom of expression.

Javed Akhtar’s contradictory tweets on freedom of speech

Anand Ranganathan then reminds Akhtar how some days he condemns bigotry and religious fanaticism but refers to Tipu Sultan who destroyed temples and forcibly converted lakhs of Hindus and Christians as ‘secular and courageous’ and hails him.

Read also: Javed Akhtar’s Twitter meltdown should not be missed

This is not the first time Akhtar has had such a public meltdown. Earlier he was visibly angry when his hypocrisy on free speech was pointed out. Ironically he tried to justify his rage against a female cop or using one line from his song, but had gone on a Twitter rampage when earlier some Twitter users had tried to point out to him that his movie Sholay was almost entirely lifted out of Hollywood movie plots.

Javed Akhtar has in the past been called out for being a radicalism apologist, Rohingya terrorist sympathiser and he had even defended Triple Talaq. He had also abused people and has mocked legendary sportspersons as ‘hardly literate’, just because they had a different opinion than him.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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