Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeNews ReportsAre you from the 'regular army'? Wing Commander Abhinandan trolls Pakistan while in their...

Are you from the ‘regular army’? Wing Commander Abhinandan trolls Pakistan while in their custody

It is widely believed that Pakistani Army provides support to the terrorists, which now seem to have created a parallel army of their own.

In a propaganda video made by Pakistani army of Wing Commander Abhinandan when he was in their captivity, his good sense of humour and levelheadedness in the face of enemy comes out beautifully.

In another propaganda video released by Pakistani media, a blindfolded Wing Commander Abhinandan is asked by a man in a green military camouflage jacket, presumably from the Pakistani army what he thinks of the Pakistani army. The conversation goes something like this:

Man: So, Wing Commander Abhi?

Wg Cmdr Abhinandan (loud and clear): Yes, Sir!

Man: What are your views about the Pak army?

Wg Cmdr Abhinandan: I hold the Pak army in very high regards and I was hoping there would be a Pak army officer would get me… I know the Pakistani army is also of soldiers… that is why the first question I asked you was ‘are you from the regular army’?

It is widely believed that the Pakistani Army is hand in gloves with the terrorists flourishing on Pakistani soil, with reports that Masood Azhar, the Jaish-e-Mohammad chief was undergoing treatment at the Army hospital in Rawalpindi for his kidney ailment. Wing Commander’s sly reference to the parallel army in Pakistan despite being in their captivity just goes out to show how his grit and determination in the face of what could have been a near-certain death.

Note: OpIndia would not like to give Pakistani propaganda, by showing Wing Commander Abhinandan in a state of captivity, a platform and hence we are not sharing the video. The conversation is reproduced here just to show the exemplary courage shown by our soldier even when he is held captive by the enemy. 

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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