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HomeNews ReportsImran Khan picks up the narrative of Indian opposition parties, communalises Kashmir issue and...

Imran Khan picks up the narrative of Indian opposition parties, communalises Kashmir issue and equates RSS with Nazis

It is a matter of deep concern that the narrative being peddled by the Pakistani Prime Minister is virtually indistinguishable from the one peddled by India's secular parties and the liber fraternity

After the Congress party stirred the religious pot on Kashmir, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, too, has given the issue a religious spin. He had made similar comments in an earlier speech as well. Imran Khan claimed that Muslims had now started believing in the two-nation theory.

“Muslims are living in fear today in India. When I used to play cricket in India; Muslims from affluent households used to say the two-nation theory wasn’t right. Today, those same people say Quaid-e-Azam (Mohammad Ali Jinnah) was absolutely right,” said Imran Khan, while addressing the Assembly of Pakitan occupied & Kashmir.

Furthermore, Khan has cited politicians from Opposition parties in India to peddle his agenda. He said, “Pro-Indian Kashmiri politicians today are endorsing two-nation theory. This Pandora’s box of the RSS ideology will not stop at Muslims; it will spill over into the Sikh community, and the Christian community. It is an epidemic. We have information; the Pakistani Army is aware they have a plan to carry out operations in AJK (Pakistan-occupied Kashmir)”.

The Pakistani establishment has been employing the narrative created by a section of Indians to further their own agenda. Some of the things he said appears to be straight out of the liberal playbook.

He stated, “We are against Modi’s ideology. We have to fight with RSS ideology, even Modi is from the RSS. They hate Muslims. This ideology killed Mahatma Gandhi. We saw what happened in Godhra with Muslims in 2002, we saw what happened with Babri Masjid. We are able to see what has happened with Muslims in the name of a cow in India.”

The Pakistan PM also posted link to an article on Twitter which compares RSS with Nazis. Speaking a language that sounds like coming from Congress party or the left-librals, he said the RSS ideology threatens not just Kashmiris or Pakistan or even just Indian Muslims, Christians & Dalits, but it threatens India itself as envisaged by its Founding Fathers.

The Congress party and other opposition parties have been making extremely problematic remarks about the abrogation of Article 370. Chidambaram had said that the government had abolished the provision as Kashmir was Muslim majority. Equating the RSS with Nazis, too, has been a consistent claim made by opposition parties.

It only reveals that when it comes to creating an anti-India narrative, Indian political players do such a good job at it that even India’s enemies rely on them for material to peddle against India. It is a matter of deep concern that the narrative being peddled by the Pakistani Prime Minister is virtually indistinguishable from the one peddled by India’s secular parties and the liber fraternity.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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