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HomeNews ReportsImran Khan finally admits that Pakistan has got no support from global community on...

Imran Khan finally admits that Pakistan has got no support from global community on its anti-India rhetoric on Kashmir

PM Imran Khan lamented over the prominence for India in the world affairs while claiming that the economic stature of India is the reason why Pakistan's narrative on Kashmir is being overlooked

After facing severe humiliation and isolation at the global stage, the terrorist state of Pakistan seems to have finally understood that its anti-India rhetoric has been rejected by the world. On Tuesday, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, who is in the United States, himself admitted that there were no takers for the anti-India propaganda pushed by his country as he said that he was disappointed by the lack of response to his campaign to bring international pressure on India over Kashmir issue.

Addressing a press conference on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, Khan said, “I am disappointed by the international community. If eight million Europeans or Jews or even eight Americans were put under siege, would the reaction have been the same? There’s no pressure yet on Prime Minister Narendra Modi to lift the siege. We’ll keep putting the pressure… What are 9,00,000 troops doing there? Once the curfew is lifted, god knows what is going to happen after that”.

Acknowledging the global support of India, PM Imran Khan lamented over the prominence for India in the world affairs while claiming that the economic stature of India is the reason why Pakistan’s narrative on Kashmir is being overlooked. “The reason is that people look upon India as a market of 1.2 billion people,” he claimed.

Furthering his rhetorics, PM Khan said that there was no pressure being put on Narendra Modi to ‘lift the siege’ in Kashmir, referring to the restrictions in place in Kashmir since the revocation of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the state into Union Territories.

Time and again, Pakistan has made several attempts to internationalise the issue of Kashmir but has not received support. Most of the countries, including major powers agree that the Kashmir conflict must be resolved between the two neighbours.

Pakistan has been repeatedly snubbed by the international community on several platforms after it cried foul over India’s decision to abrogate Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, with many countries backing India on the matter. India has always maintained that the decision to repeal Article 370 was an internal matter.

On Tuesday, Donald Trump had also demolished Pakistan’s hope of the USA inserting itself unilaterally in the Kashmir issue. Donald Trump had clarified that he was willing to mediate on Kashmir issue only if both India and Pakistan agree for it, giving a virtual veto to India on the issue of Kashmir.

With Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan sitting beside him, US President Donald Trump had showered praise on PM Narendra Modi and the historic community event ‘Howdy, Modi!’ that he addressed along with the PM leading to further embarrassment to Pakistan Prime Minister Khan.

Pakistan has been spooked after India abrogated Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir which gave a special status to the state and also bifurcated it into two UTs. It has been running pillar to post trying to internationalise the Kashmir issue but has failed every attempt.

This is not the first time that Pakistani establishment has openly accepted their country’s global isolation. Earlier this month, Pakistan Interior Minister Brigadier Ijaz had admitted that Islamabad has failed to get support from the international community over its stand on Kashmir. “People do not believe us but they believe them,” the minister had said.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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