Assorted Islamists descended upon social media pages of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, excoriating him for wishing his followers “Happy Diwali” and uploading a picture donning a tilak with his family. The Bollywood heartthrob shared a photo of himself, his son Abram and his wife Gauri on the occasion of Diwali on various social media platforms, following which scores of Islamic radicals ridiculed him for celebrating a Hindu festival while being a Muslim.
#HappyDiwali to everyone. May your lives be lit up and happy.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) October 27, 2019
Soon after Shah Rukh uploaded the picture, one Twitter user called him a “false Muslim(Munafiq)” and exhorted him to wish on Eid as well. The hatred for Hindu festival so prominent that merely wishing Diwali had made Shah Rukh Khan a false Muslim according to that Twitter user.
Another Twitter user denounced tilak sporting pic of Shah Rukh Khan stating that it is a matter of shame that despite being a Muslim, Shah Rukh is fulfilling the duties of a Hindu.
Similar reactions were elicited on his post on Facebook as well. One Facebook user Fayyaz Afridi condemned the Diwali greetings posted by SRK censuring him for celebrating Diwali while being a Muslim.
Another Facebook user criticised SRK saying that it is shameful of him being just “1/2 Kilo of Muslim”.
This is, however, not the first time that Shah Rukh Khan is under the firing line of the Islamic fundamentalists for overtly manifesting his secular credentials and enthusiastically celebrating Hindu festivals. A month back, rabid Islamic fundamentalists questioned SRK’s Muslim identity for wishing on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. Last year too he was targeted by Islamists after he had tweeted a picture of his son celebrating Ganesh Puja, Muslims had called it a ‘sin’ and had abused and condemned him.
The Islamists have shown little respect and tolerance for Hindu festivals and rituals. Their unmitigated hatred has often been exhibited in their condemnation of Muslim celebrities who are seen participating in celebrating Hindu festivals. Popular Bengali actress and a TMC MP from West Bengal, Nusrat Jahan was insulted on Facebook for celebrating Durga Puja as it was ‘inappropriate’. Cricketer Mohammad Kaif was trolled by Muslim fundamentalists for celebrating Christmas and condemned for performing the Surya Namaskar. Another cricketer Irfan Pathan was told by fundamentalists that Raksha Bandhan is ‘against Islam’ and abused when he wished everyone on a special day.