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HomeSocial MediaDiwali again: Hindus welcome Supreme Court verdict on Ram Janmabhoomi by lighting up diyas

Diwali again: Hindus welcome Supreme Court verdict on Ram Janmabhoomi by lighting up diyas

The Supreme Court in its verdict on Ram Janmabhoomi case said that the central government will set up a trust and assign the task of construction of the temple to the same.

In a historic move, the Supreme Court on Saturday gave its verdict in the long awaited title case of Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, ruling unanimously that a temple be constructed at what was once a disputed property. Following the verdict, the rejoicing Hindus lit up diyas, like in Diwali, to welcome home their lord, after having denied his rightful place for centuries.

For many, it was nothing short of Deepotsav, a festival of lights.

Read: Ayodhya verdict: While the nation celebrates, ‘liberals’ become the rudalis at the ‘death of justice’

For many, the verdict meant that the second exile for Lord Ram has come to an end.

The Supreme Court in its verdict on Ram Janmabhoomi case said that the central government will set up a trust and assign the task of construction of the temple to the same. The Muslim parties were given 5 acre land for construction of the mosque.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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