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HomeEntertainmentCoronavirus: Hollywood actor Tom Hanks, wife Rita Wilson test positive

Coronavirus: Hollywood actor Tom Hanks, wife Rita Wilson test positive

The Hanks were in Australia for production of Baz Luhrmann's untitled Elvis Presley movie where Hanks is playing Presley's manager, Colonel Tom Parker.

Hollywood actor Tom Hanks and his wife, actress Rita Wilson have tested positive for COVID-19 Coronavirus. Hanks took to Twitter to make the announcement regarding his diagnosis.

As per the statement, Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson were in Australia and felt a little unwell. “We felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches. Rita had some chills which came and went. Slight fevers too,” Hanks said in a statement about their symptoms.

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The couple then got medical attention and got tests done for coronavirus which came out to be positive. Keeping in mind public health and safety, the couple will now be tested, observed and isolated for as long as required. “Take care of yourselves,” Hanks said.

The Hanks were in Australia for production of Baz Luhrmann’s untitled Elvis Presley movie where Hanks is playing Presley’s manager, Colonel Tom Parker.

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