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Some countries busy in spreading other viruses such as terrorism, fake news, doctored videos during Coronavirus pandemic: MEA S Jaishankar

Highlighting the coronavirus crisis has led to an interruption in production networks and supply chains, Jaishankar called for a uniting in finding new ways to revive the economy

Minister of External Affairs S Jaishankar hit out at Pakistan without taking its name in Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meet with the foreign ministers of several countries. MEA Jaishankar said that some countries are “busy” in spreading terrorism while the world is a fighting coronavirus.

Dr. S Jaishankar took to twitter saying that he participated in the virtual SCO meet during the impact of coronavirus. At the anniversary of the Second World War, the situation of Afghanistan and future activities of SCO were also discussed. He also posted a clip of his around one-minute speech from the meeting.

The conference was held under the Chairmanship of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. MEA Jaishankar said, “Even as the world fighting the COVID-19. Some are busy in spreading other viruses such as terrorism, fake news, doctored videos are also used to divide communities and countries.”

Highlighting the coronavirus crisis has led to an interruption in production networks and supply chains, Jaishankar called for a uniting in finding new ways to revive the economy. He said, “Due to COVID-19, we have all seen any prospect of growth evaporate before our very eyes. For a society like India, it means that many will not come out of poverty for no fault of theirs, they have little understanding and even less control over why this happened. Of course, the crisis has resulted in an interruption in production works and supply chains reverberating across the globe. In these circumstances, it is pertinent of the member states to jointly identify new ways and means to sustain economic growth.”

Prime Minister Modi also said the same during NAM meeting

Prime Minister Modi on May 4 while addressing the Non-aligned movement meet also said slammed Pakistan saying, “Even as the world fights Covid-19, some people are busy spreading other deadly viruses such as terrorism, fake news, and doctored videos to divide communities and countries.”

Pakistan spreading cross-border terrorism

Even as the world is battling the Wuhan originated novel coronavirus pandemic, Pakistan despite being seriously affected by the disease continues to export cross-border terrorism. The Pakistani leaders have been witnessed sharing fake news and doctored videos to divide the communities in India. The Indian intelligence agencies have traced thousands of social media accounts peddling fake narrative.

Ayodhra Ram Mandir special coverage by OpIndia

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